Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/515

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CHINESE COURTS-INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of our highest consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY WILLYS R. PECK OO'lI/MUlor oj Legation on bekalJ oj the American Minister PHILIPPE BAUDET in the name oj the French Minister E. M. B. INGRAM on bekalJ oj His Majesty's Minister N. AALL Norwegian Charge d'Affaires a.i. THORBECKE Netherlands Minister AF. LOPES DE ALMEIDA in the name oj the Brazilian Minister. DOCTOR Lo WEN-KAN, Minister Jor Foreign Affairs, Nanking. The Ohinese Minister Jor Foreign Affairs (Lo) to the American Minister (Johnson) No. 577 EXCELLENCY: WAICHIAOPU Nanking, February 8, 1933. 1773 I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Note of to-day's c~~.f!.rmatlon by date which reads as follows: "Article 10 of the Agreement signed at Nanking on February 17th, 1930, between the representative of the Chinese Government on the one hand and the representatives of the Brazilian, American, French, United Kingdom, Norwegian and Netherlands Governments on the other hand relating to the Chinese courts in the International Settle- ment at Shanghai provides as follows:- 'The present Agreement and the attached Notes shall enter into effect on April 1st, 1930, and shall continue in force for a period of three years from that date, provided that they may be extended for an additional period upon mutual consent of the parties thereto.' "It is now proposed, as arranged between us, that the said Agree- ment and attached Notes shall be extended for a period of three years from April 1st, 1933, that either of the parties thereto may notify the other, six months before the expiration of the period, of their desire to denounce them; and that, in case both parties fail to do so in time, the Agreement and attached Notes shall continue in force thereafter until they are denounced by either of the parties thereto, of which denunciation six months prior notice shall be given to the other party. "We have the honor on behalf of our respective Governments to agree to the proposed arrangements set forth above for the extension of the said Agreement and attached Notes and to request Your Excellency'S confirmation thereof."