Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/527

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HAITIANIZATION AGREEl\fENT. tion of such payment is requested, a written claim shall be presented to the competent service within a time limit of thir ~y working days beginning with the date on which the duties or taxes were paid. If the decision is not accepted, the matter shall be presented to a commission composed of a repre- sentative of the Secretary of State for Finance and a repre- sentative of the Fiscal Repre- sentative. If there should still be failure to reach an agreement, the claim for restitution shall be decided by legal proceedings, but the State may not be liable for any com- pensatory or punitive damages. ARTICLE XXIII In view of the fact that under normal conditions the operation of the sinking fund will result in retirement of the outstanding series of the loan aut.horized by the law of June 26, 1922, approx- imately b 1_the year 1944, and inasmuch ¥ any further issue of the loan would necessarily extend the operation of this agreement, to a period beyond that year, which extension is contrary to their desire, it is hereby agreed by both Governments that the loan shall be considered closed and that no additional series shall be issued thereunder. ARTICLE XXIV In case there should appear to be occasion for judicial proceed- ings against the Fiscal Represent- ative or his American assistants, the two Governments, in order to avoid possible Inisunderstand- tution du montant pay6 est de- mandoo, une roolamation ecrite sera faite au service comp6tent dans Ie d61ai de trente jours ouvrables commenc;ant a. 10. date a. laquelle les droits ou les taxes auront eM pay6s. Si 10. decision n'est pas accepMe, l'affaire sera presenMe A une commission for- moo d'un d616gu6 du Secr6taire d'Etat des Finances et d'un deI6- gue du Repr6sentant Fiscal. Si Ie d6saccord persiste, 10. de- mande de restitution sera decidoo par la voie judiciaire, sans que l'Etat puisse ~tre condamn6 A des dommages-inMr~ts ou astreintes. ARTICLE XXIII Vu que, dans les conditions normales, Ie paiement r6gulier des fonds d'amortissement aura pour r6sultat Ie retrait, vers l'ann6e 1944, des s6ries en circulation de l'emprunt autorise par 10. loi du 26 juin 1922, et vu que 1'6mission d'une autre s6rie de l'emprunt prolongerait necessairement, au- dela. de cette date, 10. dur6e du pr6sent accord, ce qui serait con- traire au desir des deux Gouverne- ments, les deux Gouvernements conviennent que l'emprunt est consid6r6 comme ferm6 et qu'au- cune s6rie additionnelle ne sera 6Inise. ARTICLE XXIV Dans Ie cas ou l'occasion Be pr6senterait d'exercer une action judiciaire contre Ie Repr6sentant Fiscal, ou ses assistants ameri- cains, les deux Gouvernements, dans Ie but d'eviter toute possi- 1785