Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/547

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CERTIFICATES OF AIRWORTHINESS-SWEDEN. 1805 Arrangement between the United Staie8 of America and Sweden for the SePteml~~ and g. reciprocal recognition of certijicate8 of aiMJJOrthine88 for imported air- --.. ..: .= ' ""' ----- craft. Effected by exchange of notes, signed September 8 and 9, 1933; effective October 9, 1933. The Secretary of State (Hull) to the Swedish Oharg~ d'Affaires ad interim (Beck-Friis ) SIR: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington. September 8, 1933. Reference is made to the negotiations which h~ve taken place be- s:=1~:e ~f~ tween the Government of the United States of America and the Gov- ~=:~~it~~c:;: ernment of Sweden for the conclusion of a reciprocal !l.rrangement !~.for imported air- between the United States of America and Sweden providing for the acceptance by the one country of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft exported from the other country as merchandise. It is my understanding that it has been agreed in the course of the negotiations, now terminated, that this arrangement shall be as follows: Arrangement between the United States of America and Sweden concerning the acceptance by the one country of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft exported from the other country as merchandise. ARTICLE 1 The present arrangement applies to civil aircraft constructed in Applicability. continental United States of America, exclusive of Alaska, and ex- ported to Sweden; and to civil aircraft constructed in Sweden and exported to continental United States of America, exclusive of Alaska. ARTICLE 2 The same validity shall be conferred on certificates of airworthiness Validlty ot certUl- issued by the competent authorities of the Government of the United cates. States in respect of aircraft subsequently registered in Sweden as if they had been issued under the regulatIOns in force on the subject in Sweden provided that in each case a certificate of airworthiness for export has also been issued by the United States authorities in respect of the individual aircraft, and provided that certificates of airworthi- ness issued by the com{>etent authorities of Sweden in respect of aircraft subsequently registered in the United States of America are similarly given the same validity as if theI_had been issued under the regulations in force on the subject in the United States.