Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/586

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1844 April 24. 1934. GENERAL CLAIMS-MEXICO. Protocol between the United States oj America and lUexico relative to general claims. Signed April 24, 1934; effective April 24, 1934. Protocol with Mel- PROTOCOL RELATIVE TO CLAIMS PRE· PROTOCOLO RELATIVO A LAS HECLA- MACIONES PRESENTADAS ANTE LA (X)MISION GENERAL DE RECLAMA- ClONES CREADA POR LA OONVEN- CION DE 8 DE SEPTIEMBREDE 1923. leo relative to General SENTED TO THE GENERAL CLAIMS Claims Commission. PlenipotentiarIes. Vol. 43 . p. 1730. COMMISSION, ESTAtBLISHED BY THE OONVENTION OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1923. Josephus Daniels, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- tiary of the United States of America to the Government of Mexico, and Jose Manuel Puig Casauranc~ Secretary for Foreign Affairs of! the United Mexican States, duly authorized, have agreed on behalf of their two Governments to conclude the fol- lowing Protocol: Whereas, It is the desire of the two Governments to settle and liquidate as promptly as pos- sible those claims of each Govern- ment against the other which are comprehended by, and which have been filed in pursuance of, the General Claims Convention between the two Governments, concluded on September 8, 1923; Whereas, It is not considered expedient to proceed, at the pres- ent time, to the formal arbitra- tion of the said claims in the manner provided in that Con- vention; "Thereas, It is considered to be conducive to the best interests of the two Governments, to preserve the status quo of the General Claims Convention above men- Josephus Daniels, EmbajaJor Extraordinario y Plenipotencia- rio de los Estados Unidos de America ante el Gobierno de Mexico, y Jose Manuel Puig Ca· sauranc, Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, debidamente autori- zados, convienen en firmar, en nombre de sus respectivos Gobier- nos, el siguiente Protocolo : Considerando que es el deseo de ambos Gobiernos arreglar y liquidar, tan pronto como sea posible, las recIamaciones de cada uno de los dos Gobiernos en con· tra del otro, comprendidas en la Convencion General de Reclama- dones celebrada el 8 de septiem. bre de 1923 entre los dos Gobier- nos y registradas de acuerdo con la misma; Considerando que no se juzga viable, en los momentos actuales, proceder al arbitraje formal de dichas reclamaciones mediante el procedimiento que establece la Convenci6n mencionada; Considerando que se juzga con- ducente para los mejores inte- reses de ambos Gobiernos conser- var el " statu quo " de 1a Conven- cion General de Reclamaciones