Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/590

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1848 GENERAL CLAIMS-MEXICO. Report a final dlspo· The report shall be accepted, sition or cases. by the convention to be concluded by the two Governments, as final and conclusive dispositions of those cases. With respect to Cases In disagree- those cases in which the CQmmis- ment. sioners shall not have been able to reach agreements, the two Governments shall, by the said convention, agree that the plead- ings and briefs in such cases, to- gether with the written views of etJ~r~?~:~Yo~~Pire; the two Commissioners concern- ing the merits of the respective claims, be referred to an Umpire, whose written decisions shall also be accepted by both Governments as final and binding. All mat- ters relating to the designation of an Umpire, time within which his decisions should be rendered and general provisions relating to his work shall be fixed in a Convention to be negotiated under provisions of this Clause. Pleadings and briefs. Sixth. -The procedure to be followed in the development of the pleadings and briefs, which procedure shall be scrupulously observed by the Agents of the two Governments, shall be the following: (a) The time allowed for the completion of the pleadings and briefs shall be two years counting from a date hereafter to be agreed upon by the two Govern- ments by an exchange of notes, which shall not be later than N0- vember 1, 1934. (b) The pleadings and briefs of each Government shall be filed at the Embassy of the other Gov- ernment. (c) The pleadings and briefs to be filed shall be limited in num- ber to four, namely, Memorial, Answer, Brief and Reply Brief. Only three copies of each need be El dictamen que rindan sera. aceptado, por medio de la Con- vencion que celebren los dos Go- biernos, como la resolueion defi- nitiva y final de dichos casos. Con respecto a los casos en que los Comisionados no hayan podi- do ponerse de acuerdo, los dos Gobiernos, en esa misma Conven- cion, estipularan que los escritos y alegatos presentados en ellos, juntamente con las opiniones es- critas de los dos Comisionados sobre los fundamentos de las re- clamaciones respectivas, se some- teran a un Arbitro cuyos fallos escritos seran aceptados tambien por ambos Gobiernos como defi- nitivos y obligatorios. Todo 10 que se refiere a designacion de Arbitro, perfodo de tiempo de que dispondra para fallar y mo- dalidades de su trabajo, seran fijados en la Convencion de que habla esta Clausula. Sexto. -El proeedimiento que se seguira en el desarrollo de los escrit05 y alegatos, procedimiento que observaran escrupulosamente los Agentes de los dos Gobiernos, se.ra el siguiente: (a) El plazo concedido para completar los escritos y alegatos sera de dos aiios contados desde la feeha en que posteriormente convengan los dos Gobiernos por medio de un cambio de notas, que no se efectuara mas tarde dell" de noviembre de 1934. (b) Los escritos y alegatos de cad a uno de los dos Gobiernos seran presentados en la Emba· jada del otro Gobierno. (e) Los escritos y alegatos que se presenten quedan limitados a euatro, a saber: el Memorial, la Contestaeion, el Alegato y el Ale- gato de Replica. Solo sera ne-