Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/605

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AIR NAVIGATION-DENMARK. ARTICLE 10. No arms of war, explosives of war, or munitions of war shall be carried by aircraft of either Party above the territory of the other Party or by the crew or passengers, except by permission of the competent authorities of the territories within whose air space the aircraft is navigating. ARTICLE 11. Upon the departure or landing of any aircraft each Party may within its own territory and through its competent authorities search the aircraft of the other Party and examme the certificates and other documents prescribed. ARTICLE 12. Aerodromes open to public air traffic in the territory of one of the Parties to this arrangement shall in so far as they are under the control of the Party in whose territory they are situated be open to all aircraft of the other Party, which shall also be entitled to the assistance of the meteorological services, the wireless services, the lighting services and the day and night signalling services, in so far as the several classes of services are under control of the Party in whose territory they respectively are rendered. Any scale of charges made, namely, landing, accomodation or other charge.' with respect to the aircraft of each Party in the territory of the other Party, shall in so far as such charges are under the control of the Party in whose territory they are made be the same for the aircraft of both Parties. ARTICLE 13. All aircraft entering or leaving the territory of either of the Parties to this arrangement shall land at or depart from an aero- drome open to {lublic air traffic and classed as a customs aerodrome at which facilitles exist for enforcement of immigration re~lations and clearance of aircraft, and no intermediary landing shall be effected between the frontier and the aerodrome. In special cases the competent authorities may allow aircraft to land at or depart from other aerodromes, at which customs, immigration and clearance facilities have been arranged. The prohibition of any intermediary landing applies also in such cases. In the event of a forced landing outside the aerodromes, referred to in the first paragraph of this article, the pilot of the aircraft, its crew and the passengers shall conform to the customs and immigra- tion regulations in force in the territory in which the landing has been made. Aircraft of each Party to this arrangement are accorded the ri~ht to enter the territory of the other Party subject to compliance WIth quarantine regulations in force therein. The Parties to this arrangement shall exchange lists of the aero- dromes in their territories designated by them as ports of entry and departure. ARTICLE 14. Each of the Parties to this arrangement reserves the right to require that all aircraft crossing the frontiers of its territory shall do so between certain~oints. Subject to the notification of any such requirements by one Party to the other Party, and to the right to prohibit air traffic over certain areas as stipulated in Article 6 the frontiers of the territories of the Parties to arrangement may 1863