Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/619

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RADIO COMMUNICATIONS-CANADA. The Oanadian Secretary of State f()lf' E0te'1'1Ull, Affairs (Bennett) to the American MiniBter (Robbim) No. 40 SIR, DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, Ottawa, end May, 1931r 1877 I have the honour to acknowledge your note No. 219 of the 23rd ~~Ptanoe by Can- April, 1934, relating to an arrangement effected by an exchange of notes between Canada and the United States of America, dated October 2, 1928, December 29, 1928, and January 12, 1929, governing radio communications between private experimental stations in the two countries. It is noted that the International Telecommunication Convention and the General Radio Regulations annexed thereto, signed at Ma- drid on December 9, 1932, will, when effective, abrogate and replace in the relations between the contracting governments the Inter- national Radiotelegraph Convention and the General Regulations of Washington, 1927. It is noted that it is proposed, for and in the name of the United States Government and by its direction, that the above-mentioned arrangement governing radio communications between private ex- perimental stations, effected by an exchange of notes, shall be deemed and understood by the two Governments to continue to apply to private experimental stations and to amateur radio stations, without change, under Sections 1 and 2 of Article 8 of the General Radio Regulations annexed to the International Telecommunication Con- vention of Madrid, 1932, when the said Convention and Regulations shall have been ratified by both Governments. It is also noted that the United States Government will consider the above-stated understanding to be effective on the date of the receipt of a note from the Canadian Government, stating its accept- ance of such understanding. I have the honour to state that the Canadian Government accept such understanding and will consider it effective on the date of the receipt of this note as stated in the preceding paragraph. I avail myself of the occasion to renew to you, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. The Honourable W AHREN D. RoBBINS, United States Minister to Oanada, O. D . SKELTON for SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. Legation of the United State.'J of A'1'TlIe1'ica, OttOlWa.