Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/633

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A Adair, John W., compensation to _______ _ Adjournment or Congress: Ordered for June 16, 1933 ___________ _ Ordered for June 18, 1934 ___________ _ Signing enrolled bills, etc., after______ _ Agreements. See also Executive Agree- ments; Treaties and Conventions. Denmark, collect-on-delivery __ - __

Hellenic Republic, parcel post ____ - - - - New Zealand,parcelpost- _______ - - - .- Agricultural Adjustment Act, correction in enrollment of_____ - __ - - - - _---- - Agricultural Hand Tools, and parts there- of, rate of duty decreased _________ _ Air and Ocean Mail Contracts, printing t l• of tes Imony on __________________ _ Aircraft, Imported: Recognition of airworthiness certifi- cates, Executive agreements with- Belgium ________________ -_ -_ - - - -- Denmark _______________________ _ Norway ________________________ _ Sweden_________________________ _ Air Navigation: Executive agreements with- ])enmark _______________________ _ Norway ________________________ _ Sweden_________________________ _ Union of South Africa ____________ _ "Akron," Navy dirigible, investigation ofwreckoL_________-_----------- Alameda Belt Line, Calif., right of way across Benton Field Military Reser- vation __________________________ _ Alaska: Prohibition repeal, return of bill re- quested _______________________ _ Recnrollment of bilL _____________ _ Alaska Matanuska Coal Co., remission of certain coal lease rentals ____ - ___ _ Alcoholic Beverages, Canal Zone, pro- visions of bill to be incorporated in Code ___________________________ _ Alger, Muda, payment to_____________ _ Aliens, quotas of nationality to be admitted ________________________ _ Alleghany Forging Co., claim settlement_ INDEX Page. 1411 1472 1481 1481 1671 1594 1491 1471 1694 1475 1766 1868 1823 1805 1855 1809 1788 1828 1471 1296 1474 1474 1325 1480 1360 1697 1304 Alper, Irene Brand, payment to________ _ American Appraisal Co., claim settlement_ Amnesty, persons convicted of certain war-time offenses ________________ _ Anderson, Daisy, disability claim to be examined _______________________ _ Angle, Agnes M., disability claim to be examined _______________________ _ Arkansas Western Railway Co., etc., emergency board created to investi- gate, etc., dispute between, and emp)oyees _______________________ _ Armistice Day _______________________ _ Arms, etc., prohibition of sale of, to Bolivia and Paraguay ____________ _ Army, civilian employees, claims settle- lnent ___________________________ _ Army Dirigibles, investigation of wrecks of ______________________________ _ Arnold, J. E ., claim adjustment________ _ Asaro, Joseph, claim settlemenL ________ _ Australia, silver agreemenL ___________ _ Avery, Daisy M., payment to _________ _ Avery, Warren F., military record cor- rected ___________________________ _ B Baglione, Frank, payment to __________ _ Baker, Bonnie S., credit in postal ac- counts_________________________ _ Bakke, D. B ., payment to _____________ _ B. and O. Manufacturing Co., payment to______________________________ _ Bank Holiday: March 6-9,1933 ___________________ _ Continuance oL _______________ _ Banking: Authority of State over State banks reestablished; gold impounding res- ervation _______________________ _ Extending period within which ad- vances may be made to member banks by Federal Reserve banks_ Banking Act of 1933, corrections in en- rollment oL _____________________ _ Banking Associations. See National Banking Associations. Page. 1362 1303 1725 1298 1298 1696 1714 1744 1304 1471 1467 1304 1879 1335 1321 1459 1351 1440 1309 1689 1691 1727 1734 1472