Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1003

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TWENTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 167, 168, 169. 1843. 903 hundred and sixty acres of any of the public lands subject to sale at private entry, and that a patent issue to them for the same, which quarter section shall be taken for and in full consideration of theland bounty to which the said George Neilson would be entitled if living. Arwnovnu, March 3, 1843. ‘—""" S·n·ru·rx-: III. Cun. CLXVII. -An Act for the rezieflyzf the legal representatives of Robert ..9. March 3, 1843. e y. -———-—-—-—·- Be it enacted, &~c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized to cause the claim of the legal representatives of Payment for Robert A. Kelly, for the services of said Kelly as register of the ¤9¤"’¤°°¤ ¤¤ F6- land office at Opelousas, in the state of Louisiana, in making a report Qf'§“d to the Secretary of the Treasury, in one thousand eight hundred and town;. peforty, in obedience to an order of the Commissioner of the General Land Oflice, and in conformity to "An act for the tina] adjustment of claims to lands in the state of Louisiana," approved February six, one thousand Act ofFeb. 6, eight hundred and thirty-five, and for money paid by the said Kelly for 18?·5· °h· i7- translating instruments of writing tiled among the papers of claimants under said law, to be audited, settled, and paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That the sum so paid to Provisn. the representatives of said Kelly shall not exceed five hundred dollars for his services, and one hundred dollars for money paid for translations. Armtovmn, March 3, 1843. —-""" Snrura III. CHAP. CLXVIII.-do del for the galley; of Hugh Riddle, of the slate of New March 3, ]843_ UT . "'°`;°°_°°_" Be` it enacted, rye., That the Secretary of War cause to be issued to Hugh Riddle, of the state of New York, a warrant for one hundred and A bounty land sixty acres of military bounty land, according to the provisions of [an act] E';;:;':;" ‘° l’° entitled "An act for completing the existing military establishment," Ac;¤}])€c_24, passed the twenty-fourth of December, one thousand eight hundred and 1811, ch.10. eleven. Al’l’ROVED, March 3, 1843. -——- Szwruu III. CHAP. CLXIX.-—An dclfor lhe relief of Garret Vlell. March 3, 1843. Be it enacted, rye., That the Commissioner of the General Land Office be directed to audit the account of Garret Vleit, for surveying done in Account for laying out certain towns in the Territory of Wiskonsin, mentioned in 9°"¤*¤b¤¤*‘V¢Y· an act passed on the second of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, $$,,:,6 °°“' and in an act passed on the third of March, eighteen hundred and thirty- Act of July 2, seven, in relation to surveying said towns; and that he allow said Vleit lim CPJ62- such portion of the price agreed on for the whole work, as the work 3, fg;,, cgi5g_ performed by him, accepted, used and approved by the proper department, bears to the whole work to complete said surveys, as fixed in the contract signed by R. T. Lytle, Surveyor-General, and the said Vleit, on the sixteenth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven. Sec. 2, Jlnd be itfurtlter enacted, That said Commissioner, in settling Amount alsaid account, deduct the amount already paid to said Vleit, and that the :,';‘:,du¥L£'gd £’cb° balance be paid to him out of the moneys appropriated to the making ’ ' of said surveys by the act first mentioned; and so much of the money Appropriation. appropriated for said surveys, by the act first mentioned, as shall be necessary to pay the balance so found due to said Vleit, is hereby reapproprigtted, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwtse appronate . P Approved, March 3, 1843.