Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1015

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TVVEN'.[`Y-EIGHTII CONGRESS. Sess.I. Crr.S1,82,83,84. 1844. 915 Snrvn I. C1-rn?. LXXXI. —An Jctfor the relief of Waller S Alexander and others. June 15, ISM_ Be it enacted, (ye., That upon good and sufficient cause being shown by either party, that a fair and impartial trial cannot be had in the Allowed,upon county of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, in the trial of a cer- ¢¤¤S¢ Slwwn. w tain issue of " devisavit vel n0n," sent to be tried at the bar of the cir- Q,'"` euit court of the District of Columbia, for the county of Alexandria, a' c` by a jury, as in such cases provided, by order of the OTP11B11S, court of said county, in which Walter S. Alexander and others are caveators, and plaintiffs, and George Wise is the expounder of the last will and testament of George Dent Alexander, deceased, and defendant with others in said issue, the said circuit court of the District of Columbia, for the county of Alexandria, shall at its discretion order the said issue to be tried before the circuit court for the county of Washington, in the said District of Columbia, at the next session of the last mentioned court, in the same manner and to the same effect, that the said issue is required, by any law heretofore in force, to be tried in said county of Alexandria; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the court for the county of Alexandria aforesaid, to transmit to the clerk of the said court, for the county of Washington, the record and all the proceedings in said case, now in said court for the county of Alexandria, and all original and other papers filed in the suit aforesaid. Approved, June 15, 1844. -——;· Srnvrr I. CHAP. LXXXH.-.12n Act for the relief of Jnlm Edmonson. June 15, 1844. Be it enacted, rfc., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to place the name of John Edmonson, of Fulton county, in the To be placed state of Illinois, upon the roll of revolutionary pensioners, and that he °” P°“S*°¤ Y0"- pay him at the rate prescribed in the act of seventh of June, eighteen Act of June 7, hundred and thirty-two, for two years’ service as a private in the revolu- *832, °h·126· tionary war ; and that his pension commence according to the provisions of the said act, and be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 15, 1844. ""*"' Srnurs I. C1-nr. LXXXIII.——An det for the relief of the legal representatives of Francis Jung 15, 1844, Cazeau, late merchant at Montreal —‘*"_‘ Be it enacted, dw., That the sum of twenty-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-two dollars and thirty-two cents, be paid out of any Payment to money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to the legal repre- '·h¤¤¤· sentatives of Francis Cazeau, late merchant at Montreal, or to their legal attorney, or other person lawfully entitled to receive the same; it being one—fourth of the sum appropriated under an act of Congress approved ActofMarch on the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, with 3- *81% °h~7O· interest from May, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Approved, June 15, 1844. ·——-- Section I. CHAP. LXXXIV.-An detfar the relief of George W Allen and Reuben Jllleri. June 15, 1844. Be it enacted, eye., That the reversionary interest of the United States _ in and to the reservation to John B. Shadernah, by and under the second t§<¤;¤:S¤?¥{?¥1é t article of the treaty with the Pottawatomie Indians of the twenty-sixth in grcjngin xg_' day of October, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, be, and ,,_,{.,,,;0,,,,e;;,,. the same is hereby, relinquished to George W. Allen and Reuben Allen; gpgllied to it being understood, and this relinquishment is made upon the condition, ‘ that the said George W. Allen, and Reuben Allen as grantees, have