Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1019

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TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1—r.112,113, 114. 1844. 919 out of any money not otherwise appropriated, for the term of live years, commencing on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty- Six, the same rate of pension allowed by the act of July [June], seven, Accofgum, 7 eighteen hundred and thirty-two, to a drummer for twelve months} ser- 1832. ch. 126. i vice, and also the same rate of pension allowed by the same act to a drum major for six months’ service. Ar>r·RovEn, June 17, 1844. Snzrura I. CHAP. CXII.-—·An Act for the relid of Ferguson and Reid. june 17, ]844_ Be it enacted, (ye., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and required to allow and credit on any judgment Allowed obtained by the United States on any bonds given by John Ferguson, ¤¤5¤<>¤¤¤$>*`¢*>¤'- ji-., and William Reid, of New Orleans, as principals, upon the impor- :,?‘Q;§;:?§s;°’ tation of fifty-eight bales of cotton from Texas into the port of New i Orleans, in the months of March and April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, the amount of any certificate or certificates of debenture issued, upon the exportation of said cotton, to J. G. Stouse of New Orleans, which have been endorsed or assigned to said Ferguson and Reid, and have not been otherwise cancelled or paid, upon the surrender and discharge of the same, and upon due proof that the said cotton was landed at the port in France for which it was cleared; and if all such judgments have been fully paid and discharged, the said Secretary is hereby authorized and required to pay to said Ferguson and Reid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amount of said certificates, upon the surrender of the same, and the proof required as aforesaid. Approved, June 17, 1844. Srnuu I. CHAP. CXIII.-—-Jin Hat for the relief of John Fraser and George A Trenholm. June 17, 1844. Be it enacted, nyc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to refund to John Fraser, and George A. Trenholm, Tobcmfuudcd of Charleston, South Carolina, whatever sum of money may have been the amount Of collected of them, and paid into the treasury of the United States, for gjqggglliyggd the importation of one hundred and sixteen pieces of cotton bagging Orcumm bag. from the port of New Orleans into the port of Charleston, in the brig gi¤g· Powhatan, in December, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, which pieces were not released from forfeiture by the Secretary of the Treasury; it appearing that the cause for which the same were forfeited was not any misconduct or neglect of the said Fraser and Trenholm. Approved, June 17, 1844. Srsrura I. CHAP. CXIV. — An doi for the relief of Isaac S Kelchum. June 17, 1844. Be it enacted, <$~c·., That the Secretary of War be directed to retain, out of the annuities due the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Pottawatomie In- payment 0; dians, the sum of five hundred and fifty-seven dollars and seventy-two expenses of an cents, and pay the same to Isaac S. Ketchum, the amount due him from }£‘;‘°" d°P“'“' said Indians for money laid out in bringing on a deputation of chiefs to ` Washington city: which expense was to be incurred and paid by said Indians, as agreed upon in council held in December, eighteen hundred and forty. Approved, June 17, 1844.