Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1023

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TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 130, 131, 132, 133. 1844. 923 the said Daniel YV. Church, a pension at the rate of twelve dollars and seventy-five cents each month, from and after the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, in the manner, and at the times, other invalid pensions are payable. Approved, June 17, 1844. Snrvms I. Crnr. CXXX.-An Act or the rcli n Manlius VZ Thom stm sol qjfllfilus W Diciliey, deceased. p l E uewml ——————Jun8 17, IBM-; Be it enacted, &·c., That the sum of eleven hundred and twenty-tive dollars be appropriated and paid, out of any money in the treasury not Payment ,0 otherwise appropriated, unto Manlius V. Thompson, executor of Milus him in satisfac- W, Dickey, deceased, in full satisfaction of a contract made by the said “°" °l ll mall Dickey with the Post-Otlice Department for transporting the mail from mmm` Maysville to Lexington, in the state of Kentucky, terminating on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. Approved, June 17, 1844. ____- Sn·rw·ra 1. C1-IAP. CXXXI.—An Act for the relief of Josiah Dillon, late assistant quarter- June 17, 1844. master of the army. *1*** Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of War pay to Josiah Dillon, late assistant quartermaster-general, out of any money in the treasury Payment of a not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred and thirty-eight ¤¤Sv¤¤d¤d hudollars and fifty cents, being the balance found to be due to said Dillon, l“ll°° 'l“° ll""' on vouchers suspended for the want of form in the settlement of his accounts. Approved, June 17, 1844. `——-_— S#n·r0·rs I. Cru?. CXXXII.-.d1• Act for the reliq` of Mary .:2nn Linton. June 17, 1844. Be it enacted, cfm., That the Secretary of War is hereby required to place Mary Ann Linton, widow of William S. Linton, who was lately u To be placed pensioner of the United States under the act of one thousand eight hun- 0% P°“?§’“ ml]- dred and thirty-two, on the pension roll of the acts of one thousand ,833 zh_ " eight hundred and thirty-eight, and March third, one thousand eight Act of July 7, hundred and forty-three, and to allow her the same amount of pension llg$S· °g"Ml89,l as was annually allowed to her husband while living; the same to be 3_ ch°l%2_ paid, as other pensions have been paid, in pursuance of the provisions of the aforesaid acts. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That said Mary Ann Linton shall E¤¤i¤l€d Y0 bebe entitled to the full benefit of all laws and resolves which shall here- ;l§·§;,?§U°gcl°§;~s after be passed, continuing in force the said act of seventh July, eigh- july 7,¤]838_ teen hundred and thirty-eight, and the several acts amendatory thereto. AP1-norm), June 17, 1844. S·r.n·ru·rz I. Crux-. CXXXHI. —J2n Act for the relief of David dl/spuch. June 17, mM_ Be it enacted, t§·c., That David Allspach, surety for Michael Allspach, late collector of the excise duty, in two otheial bonds, be, and he is Released 0,, hereby, released and discharged from all of his liabilities as such surety, payment of on paying any costs that may have accrued by reason of the prosecution lilfgllsg of any suit or suits against him on account of his liability aforesaid: on ,,{.O Omit,] ’ Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be held to discharge bonds, the estate of the said Michael Allspach from the payment of any balance l’l'°"‘s°· that may be due the United States on account of the said bonds. Armzovnn, June 17, 1844.