Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1033

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TWEN'l`Y-EIGlI'I`II CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ras. 13. 1844. 933 N0_ ]3_ Jain! Resolution uu/horizing the accounting officers of the {reasury ia aw June 15, ]g44_ dit and settle the uccounls of William P. Zantzingcr. _·_—*—‘ Rgsnlved, &c., That the accounting olhcers of the treasury are hereby authorized and directed to audit and settle the accounts of William Allowance for P_ Zantzinger, and to allow him the value of such stores as were thrown 5;*:g;fnSs;g'f° Overboard from the United States ship Hornet; to be ascertained by de- bom-d‘ ducting from what shall appear to have been, at that time, the usual amount taken on board a sloop of war, going upon a cruise like that of A the Hornet, the quantity which the said accounting officers may be of opinion was probably issued or expended between the period of the vessel's sailing from New York and the time at which the chase occurred. Amenovmn, June 15, 1844.