Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1049

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INDEX. Mg Chim- Claims. Garrett Fountain to be paid for the rent of a Thomas L. Ogden and others to be paid inhouse, - - - _ - - - 292 wood consumed by the army of the United Assxgnees of Morris Lmsey to be paid for Stateein the late war, - - - 327 blacksmith work done during the Seminole Ebenezer Averill to be paid for pasturing war, . .1 ---- _ 296 horses in the service of the United States, Payment by Elijah Vansyckel of duties on 328 sugar destroyed by tire, postponed, . 297 Stephen Amold and others, claim for mus. Charles Gwynn repaid money paid as surety, lrets to he settled, ...- 33l _ _ 297 Thomas Taylor, junior, to be paid for filling Amasn. Stetson to be paid interest on ad· up, dec., north of the Presidentht house, vances made for the United States, - 298 331 Alvin Bronson to be paid the value of a George Love tcbe paid for money advanced schooner captured, ---- 299 to the representatives of deceased officers, N athauiel Jones to be paid the value of a boat 332 captured, ..-- - 299 f Gilbert C. Russell to be paid the value of pro- John Thomas and Company to be paid for . party seized by the United States, and also Hour furnished to the army, · - 301 for labour pertormed, · . . 333 Joseph Wheaton, Sergeant-at·¤rms of the 1 Frederick Goetz and Charles W. Westfall to House of Representatives, to be paid for * be paid for muskets manufactured by them, expenses of removing furniture to Washu 334 ington, -. 302 Colonel William Duane to be paid for a s s- Repayment of money erroneously paid into tem ofinfnntry discipline, - . 3,35 the treasury by Bazaleel Wells, - 302 Charles D. Brodie to be paid for work done Frederick Pei-ley' claim to be settled, 304 on the Delaware seventy-four, . 336 James, Jehu and Nathaniel Brooks, to be Moses Shepherd to be paid the balance due paid for arms manufactured, - - 306 him, .. 336 Claims of Daniel Carroll, of Duddington, for Samuel Russell to be paid clerk hire, - 336 rent of a house used by the Congress of The act for the relief of the representatives the United States, to be paid, - - 306 of John Donelson and Stephen Heard, ex- Claim of Jonas Duncan for the use of a house tended for twelve months, - - 340 occupied by the officcrs of the United States Davi Floyd to be paid for conveying the reduring the war, ---- 307 port of commissioners of private land The representatives of Fry and Spalding to claims in Florida to Washington, - 341 have their claim settled to certain stock Michael Copp to be paid for a ride, &.c. 342 on the Georgia Mississippi Company and , The claim of James Cook for supplies fur- Georgia Company, ---. 308 J nislxed to the United States in 1813, to be J. M. C. Montgomery to be paid for money l paid, .. 344 overpaid, . 310 { Henry Hitchcock to be allowed a credit for John Topp to be paid for wood taken for the , horses for the use of the militia, - 344 army of the United States, - - 310John Donly to be paid for transporting the Edward Evans to be paid for arms m¤nufac· mail, .. 345 turcd, .-..·- 312 i Jacob Stinman and others, to he paid for the Robert Strain to be paid for two rifles im. manufacture of arms, · - - 345 pressed for the United States, - - 312 Walker K. Armistead to be paid for advances The assignees and representatives of John made by him, 353 H. Platt to be paid 863},626.42, - 314 The claims of James Monroe, to the amount Henekiala Langley and Benjamin M. Belt to of twenty-nine thousand five hundred and be paid for work, labour and repairs done on thirteen dollar , in full of all demands the Circuit Court room, Washington, 314 against the United Staten, to be paid, 354 Samuel Baylies to be paid for apprehcnding Edward Lec to be paid for bread, under con. and delivering dcscrtcr , . - - 320 tract with Commodore Chauncey, 356 Elisha Snow, junior, to be paid the proceeds Noah Noble, of Indiana, receiver of public of the sloop Mary Snow, condemned in the moneys in Indiana, tobe allowed a certain District Court ot'Mainc, - - - 322 credit, -..--- 358 Jonathan Hudson, of Baltimore, to be repaid William Morrison to be psid for supplies furthe amount paid by him as surety of Mat- nished, . . 36l. thew Pascal, -.--- 322 John E. Dorsey, administrator of John Dor. Thomas Hcwcs to be paid the balance paid sey, allowed for money advanced for an. by him on an execution as security of chors, - ---·- 363 James Jones, ..·- - 322 The claim of 'I‘homas C. Withers, for team Elias Glen tobc paid for taking depositions, and wagon taken in the service of the 322 United States, to be settled, . . 363 John M"Lure to be paid for making part of Bar. J . B. Valkcnburgli to be paid interest on the Cumberland road, - - - 324 certain indents of interest, - . 365 Craven P. Luckett and William Reynolds to The nssignees and representatives of Kendall be paid as commissioners, due., relative to and Butterfield, sutlcrs of the army of the the claims of land in Florida, · · 325 United States, to be settled, . . 365 George Ennis and William R. Maddox to be Administrator of George Mansell allowed a paid for graduating a road round Capitolcredit as collector of internal duties, dw. Square, ------ 327 i 4 E 368