Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/239

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THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 68, 71. 1814. 139 Cntr. LXVIII.--An Act to antharize the secretary of state to liquidate certain datms theretn mentwned. -.—-..-~ Be it enacted, <§·c., That the secretary of state be, and he is hereby, Opsgfgfggzd directed to liquidate, according to principles of justice and equity, all to nquidate, aethe claims of the inhabitants of the late province of West Florida, now °P’dl"€ *9 P‘Zi“‘ included wanna the limits of the state of Louisiana, or of me Masts- §;*§°§,?,{,;f‘*§{f° sippi territory, for advances by them made for the use and benefit of ¤I¤i{¤¤ of the in the United States, prior to, and since, the takin of possession of the 112-T:,’;?,;:°f,€,Wf:: said portion of the said late province of West Elorida by the United advancdn by ' Sums_ them made for Amman, April 1s, 1814. ‘;‘;,‘;;‘j;f,§‘§‘i,§j Crur. LXXI.—-An Act consenting invalid pensioners. Be it enacted, <§·c., That the secretary of war be, and he is hereby directed to place the following named persons, (whose claims have been War_to place transmitted to Congress pursuant to a law passed tenth April, one thou- g:’;;‘:,,Ef':,?’;_ sand eight hundred and six,) on the pension-list of invalid pensioners, valid nnnngnnnnn, according to the rates, and to commence at the times herein mentioned, 3f 06F!?; *¤I·¤¤· that is to say: Act ° wi Samuel C. Arickson, at the rate of five dollars per month, to com- 1;;,:33,6,; :1,:% mence the tenth June, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. their mtg, Alexander Barr, at the rate of one dollar twenty-tive cents per month, to commence twenty-ninth July, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Ezra Bellows, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence from twentieth June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve. Daniel Dodd, at the rate of two dollars fifty cents per month, to commence on the eighteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Joel Terrell, at the rate of three dollars thirty-three cents per month, to commence on the eighteenth December, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. George Dugan, at the rate of two dollars fifty cents per month, to commence on tenth February, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Joseph King, at the rate of two dollars fifty cents per month, to commence the nineteenth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Andrew Green, at the rate of one dollar sixty-seven cents per month, to commence on the fourteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Hugh Barns, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence lit? teenth June, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Enoch Ducker, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence the second February, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Samuel Hawkins, at the rate of three dollars and thirty-three cents per month, to commence on the fourth February, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Darby Marrs, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence the twenty-fifth December, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Benjamin Daniels, at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month, to commence the twenty-second February, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Robert M’Cullock, at the rate of two dollars fifty cents per month, to commence the fourteenth February, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. John Gilbert, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence the thirtieth June, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen.