Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/262

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162 FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 59, 60, 61, 62. 1816. have been made, and the ame shall be duly certified to the commissioner of the eneral land office, apatent shall belgranted by the President of the ilnited States, for the said section, in trust to such person or persons as the legislature of the state shall have appointed and authorized, to sell and execute titles to the purchasers of the land aforesaid. Approved, April 16, 1816. S·r.u·u·rs 1. A-—-_‘ April 20, 1816. (Jun. LIX.-An. Act for the relief of Richard Mitchell. Released from Be it enacted, Qc., That Richard Mitchell, of the State of Tennessee, Us P“Y'“°“* °l`° be, and he is hereby, released from the payment of two thousand and Judgmenf thirty dollars, being the balance remaining unsatisfied of a judgment obtained on the twenty-sixth day of J anuaryi one thousand eight hundred, against Reuben Saunders, Richard itchell, and others, in the district court of the United States, for East Tennessee: Provided, however, That nothing contained in this act shall be considered as releasing Reuben Saunders from any claim which the United States have against him, as collector of the internal revenues for the first division within the State of Tennessee. Approved, April 20, 1816. S*r.u·uv:x·: 1. ___-_` April 20, 1816. CHAP. LX.—An Act for the relief of Xaverio Naudi. Compensation Be it enacted, dw., That the secretary for the department of state be, g ?1S’r‘l;:l;?’ “g°“" and he hereby is, authorized and directed to audit and settle the claim ` ofXaveri0 Naudi, for services and expenses lately incurred, while acting as consular agent for the United States, at Tripoli, and to allow the said Xaverio Naudi therefor, such compensation as may appear equitable and just, under all the circumstances of the case : Provided, That such allowance shall not exceed the limitation at present allowed bylaw to consuls regularly appointed to reside at Tripoli; and the sum so to be allowed, when ascertained, shall be paid to the said Xaverio N audi, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, April 20, 1816. Smrurm 1. _____

 CHAP. LXI.—./Hu Act for the reliefsgf the Baltimore and Massachusetts Bible

cicties. rg,`};`; I3:,:?' Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That all the duties due and payable to the United remitted. States, on a set of stereotype plates, owned by the Baltimore Bible Society, imported from London to Philadelphia, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, on board the ship Electra; and from London to Baltimore, in the same year, on board the ship Joseph, be, and the same are hereby remitted. Igvrggbggkafgn Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Comptroller of the ,0,,,,, ,,,-8,,,],,,,,Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to direct a debenture to be issued to the Massachusetts Bible Society, for a drawback of duties upon an invoice of Bibles exported from the port of Boston, on board the brigantine Panther, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fill teen: Provided, however, That the said Society shall produce satisfactory evidence to the said comptroller, as the law directs, that the invoice aforesaid has been landed in some foreign port or place. Ammovmn, April 20, 1816. Srnuui I. —-·—·— April 20, 1816. CHAP. LXI1.——.l97I dot for the relief of Edward Wilson. Allowed ,0 Be it enacted, dvr., That Edward Wilson shall be permitted to withwithdraw his draw an entry made by James Caldwell, on the fourth day of April, one