Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/281

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FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 3, 4, 6. 1816. 181 of the United States circuit court for the district of Massachusetts, To indemnify affirming that of the district court for the said district, to the supreme ““’°*i° in "‘° court of the United States in the case wherein John Donnel of Balti- iltpgélsiipglgc more was libellant, and the said John Rodgers and John Smith were C¤¤¤· respondents, the United States will indemnify and save harmless any persons who may become sureties for the said John Rodgers, in a bond to respond the final judgment of the supreme court on the said appeal; Provided, that this interposition on the part of the United States shall not be considered as involving them in any other engagement or responsibility, than to indemnify and save harmless the said sureties from eventual loss, on account of such suretyship. Approved, February 15, 1816. N0. 3. Resolution re uesti the resident to resent o ` ` alla thengjicerspof the ptgaia cmamoiigf CWM www F°b ”·m6· Be it resolved, ¢§·o., That the president of the United States be, President to and he is hereby requested to present to Captain Charles Stewart, of l’;°5';“t ‘¥‘°d“l“ _ . . . . . . pwn Stew the frigate Constitution, a gold medal, with suitable emblems and devr- an, and the ntl ces, and a silver medal, with suitable emblems and devices, to each 6°"'5 °"‘h° me commissioned officer of the said frigate, in testimony of the high am Onmtimom sense entertained by Congress of the gallantry, good conduct, and services of Captain Stewart, his officers and crew, in the capture of the British vessels of war, the Cyane and the Levant, after a brave and skilful combat. Approved, February 22, 1816. N o. 4. Resolution requesting the president to present medal.! to Captain James Biddle, and the ojlicers of the stoop of war Hornet. Feb 22: ISM- Be it resolved, cfpe., That the president of the United States be, President ,0 and he is hereby requested, to present to Captain James Biddle of the present _ medals sloop of war Hornet, a gold medal, with suitable emblems and devices, '1;g£gm:n$“"Q:: and a silver medal, with suitable emblems and devices, to each com- omeerd of the missioned officer of the said sloop of war, in testimony of the high sloop of wv sense entertained by Congress of the gallantry, good conduct, and ser- H°"‘°*‘ vices of Captain Biddle, his officers and crew, in capturing the British sloop of war Penguin, after a brave and skilful combat. Approved, February 22, 1816. N0. 6. Resolution requiring the Secretary of State to compile and print, once in every two years, a register of all officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, m April 27, 1316, the service of t/te United States. _ Be it resolved, dw., That once in two years, a register, containing t£;·=<=::¤;g‘m correct lists of all the officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in :,,,1,,,.;,,,,, ,.eg,,_ the service of the United States, made up to the last day of Septem- ter of all clflcers ber of each year in which a new congress is to assemble, be compiled :g§vfg:“°§,.‘“ 3:: and printed under the direction of the secretary for the department United Staten. of state. And to enable him to form such register, he, for his own department, and the heads of the other departments, respectively, shall, in due time, cause such lists as aforesaid, of all officers and agents, m their respective departments, including clerks, cadets and midshipmen, to be made and lodged in the office of the department of state. And the said lists, shall exhibit the amount of compensation, pay, and emoluments allowed to each officer, agent, clerk, cadet and midshipman, the state or county in which he was born, and where employed. _ _ _ 2. Resolved, That the secretary of the navy subjom to the list of the persons employed in his department, the names, force and con-