Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/308

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208 FIFTEENTH CONGRESS. S1·:ss.I. Ch. 59, 62, 63, 72. 1818. Propert not exceed the sum of forty thousand dollars; nor shall the said society be to exceed, engaged in any banking or commercial operations; and Congress shall °é‘;·,Y°?ésg°;;a at all times have power, during the period for which this charter is mpeafrhe chai granted, at their pleasure, to repeal or alter the same. ter. Approved, April 13, 1818. S·1·A·rv·rz I. April 14, wig, Guan. LIX.-—An Aat in addilignhtoaglp act, entitled “An acl for the relief of ·——-—————- o n ompszm. ’ ` Be it enacted, @*0., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- Aw,,,m,,, be sury department be, and they are hereby, authorized and required to settled, and in- review the settlement of the account of John Thompson, made under ‘ifi;‘0‘}ll,j’,:'°‘}i the authority of the act to which this is in addition, approved the ele- 1812, ,,,,_ BK ’ venth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and to allow the said John Thompson interest, at six per centum per annum, from the fourth of March, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, to the twen tieth of May, eighteen hundred and twelve, on the sum which was found due to him, and paid under the act aforesaid; and that the amount of interest, which shall be so found to be due him, be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, April 14, 1818. S·ra·ru·ra I. ·····—·· April 16, 1818. CHAP. LX11.-—An .0ci for Me relief of Mchael Janes. Be it enacted, ¢§•c., That there shall be paid to Michael Jones, of the 3i50p to bg Illinois territory, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropmd him for SX- prrated, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars, in full compen- "°°°"‘°°“·&°· sation for extra services performed, and clerk hire expended, by him while acting as register of the land office and commissioner of claims to land in the district of Kaskaskia. Approved, April 16, 1818. Snrvrs I. April ,6, mm Ch.u>. LXIII.—-An Act for the relief of the legal representatives of George Pear

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Ida it enacted, (Src., That the Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and Qer_tifi_cute of he is hereby, authorized and required to cause to be issued, by the pro- M*¤°*·¤*PP* , per officer, a certificate or certificates of Mississippi stock for the sum stock to be is- · ¤ _ Bu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of six hundred and twenty~five dollars, to the legal representatives of representatives George Pearson, late of the city of Augusta, and State of Georgia, beggE°g§° P°¤'· mg an indemnity for his claim for five thousand acres of land, held as ’ lcmzens’ rights, m the Georgia Companyfs pretended purchase of land Promo. fg0n; tht.; State of Georgia, in the Mississippi territory: Provided, That t e ega representatives of the said George Pearson shall reviousl Act of March take and subscribe the oath required by the third section of the actl; 2; *;*1% °h· 3% passed-on the thirty-first day of March, eighteen hundred and fourteen, ‘ ° providing for the indemnification of certain claimants of public lands The umd,,,, in the Mississippi territory; which allidavit and the transfer, executed ggdfizgnpfefhzo by the legal {pprespntatives of the said George Pearson, of all their De t ‘ t. c aim, to the nite- States, according to the provisions of the act afore- Sulsgf ° said, shall be tiled in the department of state, with the transfers, conveyances, and records, returned to that department by the commissionlg? qlillzq. 23, ers ilppomted under the act supplementary to the act aforesaid, passed · · · on the twenty-third day of January eighteen hundred and rift . Approves, April 16, isis. ’ g °°D Smrvra I. ..;.. Am.;] 18' 1g1g_ C1-rap. LXXII.—An Act for Ute relief of Maj0r—General Jacob Brown. Be it enacted, drc., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to