Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/317

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FIFTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess.II. C11.8,9,10, 11,14. 1819. 217 Srnurs H. CHAP. VIH.-An det for the relief of William B. Lewis. Jam 8, 1819. Be it enacted, ¢$~c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they are hereby, authorized to audit and settle Account to be the account of William B. Lewis, assistant deputy quarter-master gene- ¤¢¤l°d· ral to the Tennessee militia and volunteers under the command of Major-General Jackson, in such manner, and upon such terms, as may appear reasonable and just. Ammovrzn, January 8, 1819. Srnuu II. CHAP. IX.-An Act for the relief of the legal representatives of .dle:vander Mont- Jan. 8, 1819. gomery, ckceased. ;·*-···— Be it enacted, <.§~c., That it shall be the duty of the register of the land office, and receiver of public moneys, west of Pearl river, in the E¤er¤i¤¤¢i¤¤ State of Mississippi, to examine the evidence heretofore given, and to yjgggqgggggg receive additional testimony, in the claims to land, of the legal repre- miami, with c sentatives of Alexander Montgomery, deceased, founded on warrants, Yi¤W¤¤ll¤¢i¤¤¤- or orders of survey, granted by the Spanish government to Solomon mg °fP°°°“t“‘ Wliitley and John Montgomery; and if it shall appear, to the satisfaction of said register and receiver, that the said Solomon Whitley and John Montgomery, or their legal representatives, under whom the said tracts of land are claimed, were resident in the Mississippi Territory on the twenty-seventh day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, then, and in that case, the claims aforesaid shall be respectively conlirmed, and patents shall issue for the same, asin other cases : Provided, That nothing in this act shall affect the claim or claims of P,-cvgcc_ any person or persons to the same land, or any part thereof, derived from the United States, if any such there be, or the claim or claims of any other person or persons whatsoever. Armzovnn, January S, 1819. Srnum: II. CHAP. X.-An Act for the relief of Doctor A/Iottrom Ball. hm 19, ,81% Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be paid unto Mottrom Ball, of Northumberland county, Virginia, the sum To be com of one thousand four hundred dollars, out of any money in the treasury pensaied for not otherwise appropriated; the same being in full for the destruction P'°P°*éY d°· of his buildings on Old Court House Point. stroye . Avnnovnn, January 19, 1819. Snrurz II. CHAP. XI.-—An Hctfor the relief of Frederick Brown. Jam ,9, ww` Be it enacted, ¢$·c., That the accounting officers of the treasury de- "· ""' partment be, and they are hereby, authorized to settle the accounts of Accccm tc bg Frederick Brown, late a captain in the army of the United States, upon ¤¢¤l¤<1· just and equitable principles: Provided, That it shall appear that the P¥0V¤¤°- said Frederick Brown has not been guilty of any misconduct or default in failing to render his accounts for settlement. Approved, January 19, 1819. ”;—" Srnucrs II. CHAP. XIV.—An ./2ct for the relief of Sampson »SC Eng. Feb. 4, 1819. Be it enacted, (§·c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they are hereby, authorized to settle the ac- Acgmmtto be Count of Major Sampson S. King, on equitable principles, and give such settled, Gwcredits as shall seem just and reasonable, from the best evidence the l nature of the case will admit: Provided, That it shall 'Iappear that the PNY150- 28