Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/373

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SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS. SEss.I. Ch. 92, 94, 95,97. 1822. 273 balance due from said Dickson to the United States; on condition that they shall go before the judge of the said Federal Court, or some judge of the Superior Courts of the said state, and take the oath imposed upon persons imprisoned for debt, by the second section of the act, entitled "An act for relief of persons imprisoned for debt," approved Ac; of Jan, 6, the sixth of January, one thousand eight hundred, changing the phrase- 1800. ch- 4· ology thereof so as to make it applicable to the United States, instead of other creditors; and, also, substituting for the thirty dollars therein named such articles of property as the laws of said state secures to the family of an insolvent debtor; which oath, when so taken, shall be certified by the judge, and filed by said defendants with the clerk of said court before whom the judgment was had, or delivered to the marshal of the said northern district, who shall return the same with the process in his hands against the said defendants: And provided, That nothing proviso, in this act contained shall prevent the issuing of process on said judgment against any estate,_real or personal, which the said defendants now have, or may hereafter possess or acquire: And provided also, That Proviso. nothing in this act contained shall in any manner affect the responsibility of the said Robert Dickson, or any other person, to the United States, for the said demands.

 May 7, 1822.

"-" Snrura I. CHAP. XCII. —An Act for the relief of the legal representatives oflosqph Hodg- Mny 7, Iggy, son, deceased. -————- Be it enacted, eye., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to the legal representatives of Tube allowed Joseph Hodgson, late of the city of Washington, deceased, the sum of Lb? K°L“° ***-3 six thousand dollars, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise s3§y,,d°,,`:,i,°i;°°` appropriated, being the value of a three storied brick dwelling—house in rented bg the said city, rented for the use of the United States, in the year eighteen Umwd “°°’· hundred, by Samuel Dexter, then Secretary of War, and whic was destroyed by tire in November of the same year, while in the occupation of the United States. Approved, May 7, 1822. -—--- Snrura I. CHAP. XCIV. -——./Zn Act explanatory of an .»1ct for the religf of sundry citizens May 7, 1822. ny" Baltimore. ""—““`”“" Be it enacted, &c., That the act, entitled "An act for the relief of sundry citizens of Baltimore," shall be so construed as to refer to a Referred to n copy of estimates verified at Baltimore by Thorndike Chase and John ¤0PY OY511- Snyder, on the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand eight hun- m22s5f _:',,, dred and twenty, instead of the twentieth day of February aforesaid. ze, 1ezz,eli,36, Approved, May 7, 1822. ······_‘ Srnvrs I. CHAP. XCV.-An Act for the reliq` of Solomon Prcvost. May 7, 1822, Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That there be paid to Solomon Prevost, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one Remuneration thousand nine hundred and sixty-six dollars, in full for losses sustained for Icises duby him during the invasion of Louisiana by the British troops, in the Egg Lf°I:::;` years one thousand eight hundred and fourteen and one thousand eight B,,,,,,,,, hundred and fifteen. Armrovma, May 7, 1822. -—-—- Srnurs I. CHAP. XCVII.-An Act for the relief of James Pierce. May 7, 1822, Be it enacted, &c., That there be paid to James Pierce, of the- state of Ohio, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, 35