Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/376

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276 SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS. S¤ss.1. Ch. 106, 108, 109, 110, 111. 1822. Scrum: I. May 7, wu Ogg. CYL-.d·n Act fm} r$%;/l;"·i¤;¤%¤ {ggé zidftv, and the legal T6; . presen a wes crz , e e Tim to hud Be it enacted, &c., That the right and title to six hundred and forty eonirmed. acres of land shall be, and the same are hereby, connrmed to Susan Berzat, widow, and the legal representatives, of Gabriel Berzat, de- ' ceased, including the improvement made by the said decedent in his life-time, in the parish of Avoyelles, in the state of Louisiana; the boundaries of which tract of land shall be designated by the register of the land office of the district within which it is situated. Approved, May 7, 1822. Scnrurs I. —-—-—— May 7, 1822. Crur. CVIH.-—J·n dat vesting in the Commissioners of the counties of Wood and ‘*""_" Stzaduskgéi this ;·ig.l;‘t gzhcertgin lots in the lawns of Perrysburgh and Croglmm. m e, in e s a e o to, or coun y purposes. Be it enacted, &c., That the right to all the unsold town lots and out- The right to lots in the town of Perrysburgh be, and the same is hereby, vested in E::°lgI;°;‘ the Commissioners of Wood county, in the state of Ohio; and the right 1:,,} ,b,Q,gh, to all the unsold town lots and out-lots in the town of Croghansville be, and drogh¤ns· and the same is hereby, vested in the Commissioners of Sandusky

',;u&;‘;%?gh_ county, in said state; on condition that said Commissioners shall per.

,;,,,,8,, of inanently locate the seat of justice for their respective counties at said Wood and Sim- towns; and that the nett proceeds of the sales of so many of said lots gL“:kY °°“"“°’· as are necessary to be retained for the purpose of erecting public build- ' ings thereon, be applied to the erection and improvement of the public buildings and squares irggaid towns respectively. Approved, May 7, 1 2. Snrurs I. May 7, 1822. Cum. CIX.——An Act for the relief of Samuel Ewings. Be it enacted, ·<$·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be pmm{0;1und issued to Samuel Ewings, or his legal representatives, upon application, rq bs i¤¤¤¢d ¢<> a patent for five hundred acres of land, situated on the Miami of the hl'"' Lake, it being the same tract which was confirmed to him under an act, entitled "An act regulating the grants of land in the territory of Mich- Ac, 0,- Much igan," passed the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and se- 3, 1807, 6h_ g4_ ven: And for which he holds the Register’s certificate, numbered five hundred and seventy-eight. Approved, May 7, 1822. S·ru·u·rs I. —————— May 7. 1822- Gun. CX.-An Act for the relief of Trapmawn Jahucke and Company. Be it enacted, $-0., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is All<>W¤¤¤¤ to hereby, authorized to pay to Trapmaun J ahucke and Company, (agents

*,;°;f'§:,, andconsignees of the Swedish brig Anna Sophia,) out of any moneys

on guage uty in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of eight hundred ¤¤¤P¤¤¤ wit- and sixty-two dollars and sixteen cents, being for an excess of duty charged on a cargo of salt imported by a Swedish vessel from St. Ubes, which had been condemned for a breach of the Navigation Act, and the condemnation mitigated by a restoration of the salt, on payment of a uty of fort cents a bushel. Ar1>R0v1=:n,yMay 7, 1822. Smrurs I. -———— May 7, 1822, CHR- CXI·—·d¤ J6! for the relief of John Grute, Be it enacted, ¤$·c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury cream mb., department be, and they are hereby, authorized to audit and settle the ¤¤¤l¤d· claim of John Crute, on account of a certilicate issued on the first of July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, and numbered sev-