Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/40

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xl LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. Y¤!• Drawback. An act for the relief of David Ellis. Muy 26, 1828 i... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 Gratuity. An act for the rclief of Cyrus Siblcy, agent of George M. Brooke. May 26, 1828 . . 393 Claims. An act For the rclicf of Jonnthzm Taylor, of Kentucky. May 26, 1828. . .. . 393 Indemnilyfw the Ship Union, destroyed after the Peace with England. An act further to indemnify the owner and underwriters of the British ship Union and her cargo. May 26, 1828 394 RESOLUTION. Privule Land Claims. Resolution authorizing un examination of the claims to land of John F. Carmichael. May 19, 1828 . . . . . 394 STATUTE IIr 1828, 1829. Drawback. An act for the relief of John B. Lcmuitre, junior. Jun. 6, 1829. . . . .. . . . 395 Release of a Lien of the United States. An act rcleasing the lien of the United States upon a. part of the hmd of Benjamin Owens, in Anne Arundel county, State of Maryland, to the trustees of Mount Zion meeting-house, in said county and state. Feb. 5, 1829 . 395 Claim of Payment for Property used by the United States. An act forthere1ief‘of Daniel Good. win, executor of Benjamin Goodwin, deceased. Feb. 5, 1829 . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Jacob Rcntlcmun. Feb. 24, 1829 . . . . . 396 Druwback. An act for the relief of Augustus Aspinwnll. Feb. 24, I829 . . ... . . 396 Oveapuyment for Lam!. An uc: for the rclicf of Robert L. Kcnnon. Feb. 24, 1829 . . . . . . . 396 Accounts. An act for the relief of William Otis. March 2, 1829 .. 396 Claims. An act for the relicfof George Wilson, of Pennsylvania. March 2, 1829 ... 396 Accounts. An act for tho relief of John Smith T. and Wilson P. Hunt. March 2, 1829 . . 397 Private Land Claims. An act for the rclicf of the heirs of John Gwyn. March 2, 18:29 .. 397 Release from a Debt due: io the United States. An act for the relief of Thomas Griiiin. March 2, 1899 ... . 397 Land granted to the Valley Crack Academy, Alabama. An uct. for the benefit of the trustees of the Valley Crock Acudcmy, in the Stutc of Alabama. March 2, 1829 . . . . ... . 398 Incorporation. An act to incorporate the Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steam Packet Company. March 3, 1829 . . 398 Claims. An not for the relic? of Churlcs A. Burnett. March 3, 1829. . ... . . 400 Property destroyed. An act for the relief of the legal represcntntives of John Guest, deceased. March 3, 1829 400 Horse lost in the Service of the United States. An act for the relief of Samuel Chcsnut. March 3, 1829 ... . ... 400 Claims. An uct. for the rclicf of the represcntutives of J nmcs A, Hurpcr, dcceuscd. March 3, 1829 . 401 Military Services. An act for tho rclicf of Thomas Hunt. March 3, 1829 . . 40l Claims. An act for tho rclicfof William R. Maddox. March 3, 1829 . . . . . . 401 Claims. An not for the relief of Joshua Foltz. Mm-ch 3, 1829 401 {Ame of the Etmzutg-first Qlungrzzz of the ibluiteb 5mm:. STATUTE [-1829, 1830. Exchange of Lots by the Uniuergily of Michigan. An act to authorize the exchange of certain lots of lnnd between the University of Michigan ']‘crrit.ory, und Martin Baum and others. Juu.I3, 1830. . . .. . . . .. 402 Private Land Claim. An act for the rclicfcf Elijah Curr. Jam. 13, 1830 ... . .. . 402