Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/434

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334 EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess.11. Ch.91,92, 94. 1825. Proviso. use of the United States: Provided, That the said Heck shall pay the legal costs which have accrued in the prosecution of said demand. Arpnovnn, March 3, 1825. Sruum II. March 3, 1825` CHAP. XCI.—An Act for the relief of John Crain. Be it enacted, @-1:., That the accounting officers of the treasury de- (31,,,,,, 0,, ,,c_ partment be, and they hereby are, authorized to audit and settle the cquntofa cer- claim of John Crain, on account of a certificate No. eight thousand

",;G°;;§’g;s’°· three hundred and fourteen, issued in favor of James Swart, by John

` Pierce, and dated thirteenth of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, for one hundred dollars; which certificate has been lost, and appears to be outstanding and unpaid, and to pay to the said John Crain, or his legal representatives, the principal of the said certificate, and so much of the interest as appears to be due thereon, out of p,,,,,,,,,, any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That the said John Crain, or his legal representatives, execute and deliver to the Comptroller of the Treasury, a bond of indemnity, in such sum and with such security as the said comptroller may approve. Arnnovnn, March 3, 1825. Srlirura II. March 3, 1825. Crm?. XC11.——An Act for the relief mf the representatives of Frederick Goetz ’;*""‘—‘ and Charles W Wesyfall. Be it enacted, dw., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- Claim furthe sury department settle and adjust the claim of the representatives of $::‘;,‘:;*:;°;';°bgf Frederick Goetz and Charles W. Westfall, for the manufacturing of one swf8d_ thousand and nineteen muskets for the United States, under a contract with Tench Coxe, entered into on the thirteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eight, and make them such further allowance as shall be equal to that allowed to others who contracted about the same time to manufacture arms for the United States, and who have had their contracts settled under special acts of Congress, keeping in view the quality of the arms delivered, with the additional labor bestowed, more than would have been necessary to have made muskets equal to the pattern gun; and such allowance, so made, shall be paid out of p,-,,v,,,~,_ any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That, before the representatives of Frederick Goetz and Charles W. Westfall be entitled to receive any money under the provisions of this act, they shall exhibit to the said officers satisfactory proof of their appointment. Approved, March 3, 1825. Sururr: H. Much 3, 182;; Cr~rAr·.XCIV.——.A1n Act for the relief of Luther Chapin, of Ohio. Be it enacted, <§~c., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- T0 be paid for sury department be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to services during pay, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the lam “’°“'· Luther Chapin, the sum of fifty dollars, for services performed by said Chapin during the late war, in navigating from Cleveland, in Ohio, to Malden, in Upper Canada, in the year eighteen hundred and twelve, the schooner Miami, employed in transporting a part of the Ohio volunteers across Lake Erie, after their surrender by General Hull. Avrnovnn, March 3, 1825. For ch. XCV_Il, An act umendatory of the act, entitled "An act to incorporate the Provident Association of Qlerks in the_ Civil Department of the Government of the ggted States, in the District of Columbia," omitted in this, its proper place, see p. 337,