Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/483

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TVVENTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 106, 112. 1828. 383 Poiret, senior, number twenty; Henry Stockman, number thirty-one; Peter Stockman, number ——-; Moses Robison, num ber twenty-one ; J anics Pharis, number twenty-four; Cesare Wallace, number thirty-four and fifty-six; John Montgomery, junior, number sixtymine ; and Emanuel Trickel, number two hundred and thirty·0ne ; which claims are suspended until it is ascertained whether they are situated within the limits of the lands claimed by the Caddoe Indians. Size. 2. And be it further enacted, That the confirmations made by this C9¤6rm¤¢i¤¤¤ act shall not be construed to extend farther than to a relinquishment of lz Tézxzggt fg title on the part of the United States, and the claims hereby confirmed extend further shall be located under the direction of the Register and Receiver of the ‘*“%“h‘° j **1**;. proper Land Office, in conformity with the legal subdivisions of the $3; :,°I§,° Pa; public surveys, so far as practicable, and shall include the improve- ¤*` the United ments of the claimants respectively. S°‘°°“‘ A1-r>u0vm;•, May 24, 1828. CnAr..CVI.—-An Act to Iauthorizc the selection of Lands for tha benefit of a STATUTE I Summary of Learmng, m the State of .dlabaxnw, insteud of other Lands heretofore selected. Mw 24; 1828 Be it enacted, rfc., That the trustees of the University of the State TT of Alabama be, and they are hereby, authorized to surrender the U,,i;;:3°;,s:y éhg patents issued for section twelve, the north-east quarter of section seven- State qrA1abuma teen, the north-east quarter of section twenty-eight, and the east half of fg3g;;'",?,? *1;; the north-east quarter of section thirty-bur, in township four, range tems issued for eleven, west, in the Huntsville land district, and to select a. like ;°°*l°¤ I? 6***-;, quantity in lieu thereof, of any of the public lands of the United States, 1;;,;,;§?`m§y so in said State ; and that, on such relinquishment being made by the trus- receive, Aw. tees as aforesaid, patents shall issue to the purchasers from the United States, of said lands, or their assignees. APPROVED, May 24, 1828. ········· S·r.u·urz L CHAP. CXII.—-An Act to incorporate the Sisters of Charity of St- Joseph and the Ma! 24; 1828- Sisters of the Visitation af Georgetown, in t/w District of Columbia. *·‘·"‘"*‘ Be it enacted, Qc., That Mary Augustine Decount, Elizabeth Boyle, Jane Smith, Rosetta White, Margaret George, Bridget Ferrell, Frances Mary A. De- J ourdan, Ann Gruber, Adele Salva, Sar ah Thompson,Marg:uet. Felicita ;’:;‘0“* :_'£te‘:,“‘°" Brady, Scholastica Beams, Julia Shirk, Louisa Roger, Martha Dadis- rp ` man, Mary Joseph Rivell, Mary Agnes O’Conner, Mary Clare Shirley, Mary Paul Douglass, Eliza Martina Butcher, Eugina Clarke, Jane Boyle, Rosetta Tyler, Mary Love, Ann Collins, Mary M’G-irmis, Elizabeth Dellow, Rachael Green, Ann Elizabeth Corbey, Mary Maria Sexton, Jane Regina Smith, Helena Elder, Catharine Stigers, Ann Frances Richardson, Arm Magdalene Shirley, Maria Muller, Ann Parsons,R.e· becca Gough, Ellen Pigot, Margaret Shannon, Mary Green, Mary Delene, Ellen Timmons, Mary Harding, Mary Ann Fagm,Eliza Susan Knot, Margaret Brady, Mary Frances Boarman, Ann Dorsey, Eliza Magner, Barbara Marlo, Mary Gibson, Lydia Dix, Mary Twyger, Eliza Smith, Bridget Gibson, Ellen Hughes, Ann Wickham, Elizabeth Graver, Mary Councel, and their successors hereafter to become Sisters 0f Charity of Saint Joseph, according to the rules and regulations, that have been, or may hereafter be, established by their association, be, and they are hereby made, declared and constituted a corporation or body politic, in law and in fact, to have continuance forever, by the name, style and title of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph. Bun Mn Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Eliza Matthews, Alice thaw, and - Lalor, Harriet Brent, Mary Neale, Elizabeth Neale, Margaret Marshal, others incorpo- Anu Combes, Louisa Jones, Jane Neale, Ann Wightt, Elizabeth Clarke, ;‘}“’3]B“sviEgf’“ Louisa Queen, Jane C. Neale, Mary Ann Boarman,Gra.ce Turner, tion, Sac