Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/494

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394 TWENTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 161. Rss. 2. 1828. fornnusterirpn treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred and fifty "‘"l"“‘ "’ I · dollars; being the balance due to the said Taylor for mustering into and out of service a detachment of Kentucky militia, embodied in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven, for the suppression of the seditious expedition projected by Aaron Burr, and for his services as paymaster to the said detachment. Approved, May 26, 1828. S·rn·u·rz I. _ May 26)18%_ CHA?. CLXI.-dn Act further to indemnify the owner and underwriters of the —-—-—-——- Brztzsh shqz Uman and hor cargo. lndemnitisd Be it enacted, dec., That there be paid to Captain Robert Holl, owner 3* *}`€¤**?*é°¤ of the British ship Union, and assignee of the underwriters on said ship ands Qs, c::;;, and her cargo, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise approdestroyed after priated, the sum of twenty-three thousand four hundred and seventy-four 3: f’° ;°? va'? dollars, in full satisfaction of the claim of the said owner and underg an in 15. . . . . . writers, for the capture and destruction of the said ship Union and her cargo, taken and burnt by the American ship of war Peacock, after the period fixed, by the Treaty of Ghent, for the termination of hostilities between the United States and Great Britain and her dependencies. A1-1>1v.0vr·.u>, May 26, 1828. RESOLUTION. May 19, 1828- N 0. 2. Resolution authorizing ancexaminatipn of the claims to land of John F'. "—*"""""‘ armic me . Claim to two Be it resolved, dw., That John F. Carmichael, of Wilkinson county, 3;:;; ;’,fe"g“'}m_ state of Mississippi, be authorized to present to the register and receiver ish g,,v,,,,,,,,%m’ of the Land Ofhce at Waslnington, Mississippi, the papers and docuto be examined. ments having relation to the title to two tracts of land which he claims by virtue of what he alleges to be complete grants from the Spanish gvernment, in favor of Claudio Bougard, one dated the thirtieth of ovember, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, for one thousand arpens, the other dated the sixth of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, for one thousand and thirty-four arpens, lying and being in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi, divided by the line of demarcation which then existed between the two governments, and the said register and receiver are hereby authorized to examine and report upon the same; under all the rules, regulations, and responsibi ities, which were made applicable to the Board of Commissioners appointed west of Pearl river. Approved, May 19, 1828.