Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/497

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TWENTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 46, 47, 48. 1829. 397 ble out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, being Indemnitied an indemnification for his claim for seventy-one thousand one hundred f°" his °l“l'“.’*° and eleven acres of land, held as citizens’ rights, in the pretended pur- ggfggiknd m chases of land from the state of Georgia, by the Georgia and Tennessee companies: Provided, That the said George Wilson shall previously Proviso. take and subscribe the oath required by the third section of the act passed on the thirty-tirst day of March, one thousand eight hundred and 1814-, eh. 39. fourteen, providing for the indemnification of claimants of public lands in the Mississippi Territory, which aflidavit, and the transfer of the said George Wilson of all his claim, to the United States, according to the provisions of the said act, shall be filed in the Department of State, with the transfers, conveyances, and records, returned to that department, by the Commissioners appointed under the act supplementary to the act aforesaid, passed on the twenty-third day of January, one thousand eight 1815, eh. 24. hundred and fifteen : Provided, That before any payment shall be made, }’f<>ViS0· under the provisions of this act, the Secretary of State, the,Sec1‘etary of the Treasury, and the Attorney-General, or any two of them, shall cer- Acc of M¤\’<>l1 tify that this case comes within the class of cases intended to be embraced 3:,* 1814* °h‘ by the acts of Congress of thirty-first March, 1814, and twenty-third Act of1a;,, 23, February, [January,] 1815, and that it ought in justice to be paid. l8l5· @*-24- Approved, March 2, 1829. ""_' Snruriz II. CHAP.XLVI.—~.dN det for the relief of John Smith T. and Wilson P. Hunt. March 2, 1829. Bc it enacted, c§~c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they hereby are, authorized and instructed to AA'i29¤¤§¤ ef audit and settle the accounts of Alpha Kingsley, late a paymaster in the b€',,uE€;d°g,:3 army of the United States, on principles of equity and justice; and to settled. extend the benefit of such settlement, if any, to the judgment obtained against the securities of said Kingsley, in the state of Missouri, so far as the same may operate, or lessen, or discharge the said judgment, but not to the payment of any balance from the United States. APPROVED, March 2, 1829. Survrz II. CI{AP.XLVIl,-Ah det for the relief of the heirs of Jo/in Gwyn. March 2, l829- Be it enacted, <§~c., That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, directed to issue to the heirs of John Gwyn, deceased, late a soldier of Land warrant the revolutionary army, a land warrant for one hundred acres of land; lg be ¤S¤¤€d to which warrant, when issued, shall be located on any unlocated land, in l °m' the manner, and within the time, provided by law for other military warrants for services in the revolutionary army; and a patent shall be granted thereon as in other cases. Amutovnn, March 2, 1829. Snmvrr. II. CHAP. XLVIII.-An Hal for the relief of Thomas Grrfin. March 2, jg2Q_ Be ii enacted, rye., That Thomas Gritlin be, and he is hereby, released from the payment of a debt due to the United States by Thomas Archer, Released from heretofore Collector of the Customs of the district of Yorktown, in the g°b}I,d‘X’rglg state of Virginia; and that the Attorney of the United States for the C{,u€,,_,,,.’ Eastern District of Virginia be, and he is hereby, authorized, and required to execute, in the name and behalf of the United States, and to cause to be affiled in the Registry of the District Court of the United States, for the said district, a release of the judgment obtained in be-\ half of the United States in the said court, on the sixteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, against the said Thomas Griffin, administrator of Lawrence Gibbons, and og Ithe fortheoming