Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/539

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TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sass,}. Ch. 169, 170, 171 , 172, 173. 1830. 439 the useful arts, and to repeal the act heretofore made for that purpose," Ac, 0,- _,,,,,,, 7 and the several acts supplementary to,· and amendatory of} the said act, 1794-, eh. 58. ' except so far as the said acts or any part or parts of them, require a residence of two years within the United States, in like manner, in Act ¤f July 4. all respects, as if the said Moses Shaw had resided two years within 1836’°h‘357' the United States. Approved, May 29, 1830. 'Srarurm I. Can. CLXIX.—-An Act for the relief of Mcshcck Browning. .._May.29,_’ mw' Be it enacted, a§•c., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Me- P¤,Ym€¤t for slieck Browning, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap- l‘°"““ l°”‘ propriated, the sum of one hundred dollars, the value of two horses owned by him, and in the service of the United States, by impressment to transport a part of the baggage of the army commanded by General Hull ; which horses died for the want of forage, in the wilderness on their return to Cincinnati. Avrrzovrsn, May 29, 1830. Sururz I. CHAP. CLXX.—An Act for the relief of Major M. M. Payne, of the United May 29, 1880. Statcs’ Army. ··—··———· Bc it enacted, ¢$•c., That the sum of twelve hundred and seventy-five Reimbursement dollars be paid to Major M. M. Payne, of the United States' Army, out °f °,?"°g",P;§?“‘ of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, as u reim- gc:";? ea mg bursement for the expenses which he incurred in defending asuit brought against him in the state of South Carolina, to recover from him damages for the performance of an act strictly within the line of his professional duty. Approved, May 29, 1830. Sraruu I. Cuxr. CLXXI.—An. Act for the relief of Isaiah Townsend, Peter Dax, and Lily gg, 1g3e_ Gerrit Lo Grange, surcties of Gerrit L. D0:r.. ·————-·-———-— Be it enacted, dw., That the Postmaster-General be, and he is here- Credit, nllowcd by, authorized to allow the sum of one thousand five hundred and sev- enty-eight dollars and fifty cents, together with any interest which may have been charged upon that sum, from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, as a credit upon any judgment which may have been recovered against Isaiah Townsend, Peter Dox, and Gerrit Le Grange, as the sureties of Gerrit L. Dox, late a Postmaster at Albany, in the state of New York, that amount of postage having been paid by him, and for which no credit has ever been given. Approved, May 29, 1830. S·u·ru·r1: I. Crrar. CLXXII.—-An Act for the reltqf of Jeremiah Walker, of the state of Mayw 1g3c' . Louzszana. ...L Be it enacted, dm., That Jeremiah Walker be, and he is hereby, con- Land title iirmed in his title to a certain tract of land, situate in the parish of East °°“E"“‘°d· Feliciana, and state of Louisiana, lying on the Lost Fork of Thompson’s Creek ; it being the place first settled by Thomas Smith, and transferred by him to Sullivan, by Sullivan to White, and by White to the said Walker; containing not more than six hundred and forty acres: _ Provided, That this confirmation shall only operate as a relinquishment Y*°*’1¤°· on the part of the United States only. Ammovnn, May 29, 1830. s·i-yr-ui-; 1, Cnar. CLXXIII.——An .3::15 for the relief of Rogcr—Enos. Bc it enacted, ¢§~c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he Payment to him is hereby, authorized to pay to Roger Enos, late Collector of the dis- ;;‘n:&‘;_°““° °{ “ trict of Memphreymagog, in Vermont, out of any moneys in the trea- `