Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/631

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TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess.11. Ch. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 1833. 531 and entered in the proper land office in said state: Provided, Saidland Proviso. be subject to entry at private sale, and not settled upon, or occupied by any other person. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, on the application of said p,,,,,,,,,,, be Mayfield, at the proper land office, and on payment of one dollar for issued. each tract so entered, to the Register and Receiver, a final certificate shall be given for such tract, upon which a patent from the United States to said Mayfield, shall issue. Armovnn, January 30, 1833. `—"‘— Surure II. CHAP. XVII. —An det for the relief of Sylvester Havens. Feb. 5, 1833. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Sylvester Havens, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro- Bayment to priated, the sum of one hundred and thirty-one dollars and twenty-five himcents, together with any amount of interest computed thereon and paid since the twenty-third of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine; being the date of a note on interest, given by the said Havens to the United States, and on which the accounting officers of the treasury weredirected, by alaw passed at the late session, to give Ac, a credit of one hundred and thirty-one dollars and twenty-five cents, as 22, 1832, ch. 54. at the date of said note; but which law has been defeated by the pay- ment of the note before said law was passed. APPROVED, February 5, 1833. Szmvrvrrc II. CHAP. XVlII.—An dot for the relief of Daniel Johnson. Feb 5, 133;-3_ Bc it enacted, &c., That the sum of one hundred and ninety-four dollars, be paid to Daniel Johnson, out of any moneys in the treasury Payment to not otherwise appropriated, as a compensation to him for that amount, himwhich is equitably due to him by the United States. Aepnovnn, February 5, 1833. Jl___- Sururn II. CHAP. XlX.—An Act for the relief of Andrew Moore. Feb. 5, 1833. Be it enacted, aye., That the Third Auditor of the Treasury adjust the claim of Andrew Moore, a mounted gunman of the Tennessee paymemfom volunteers, for a horse of the value of seventy dollars, lost in the mill- horeelosh tary service of the United States, on the eighth of November, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, near Fort Montgomery, for the want 0f forage, on such principles as similar claims have been settled by him; and the amount so found due to him, the Secretary of the Treasury is directed to pay, out of any money not otherwise appropriated. Approved, February 5, 1833. ";"‘"‘ Srarurn II. CHAP. XX.—An Act amendatory to an act entitled “./2n act for the relief of Robert C Jennings, and of the executois of James Roddy, deceased." Be it enacted, {Src., That further time is hereby allowed, until the first Further time Monday of December next, for carrying into effect an act, passed at the ¤l[<>W<;dtf¤1‘§_¤¤‘; last session of Congress, "F or the relief of Robert C. Jennings, and ggngcinogguig the executors of James Roddy, deceased/’ 14, 1832, ch. Aprnovnn, February 5, 1833. 28** ·—·-—·- Srarvm II. CHAP. XXI. --./911 det authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Ofice Fcb_ 5, 1g33_ to issue patents to persons therein named. ""‘·*···——·· Be it enacted, eye., That the Commissioner of the General Land Pamtforland Office be, and he is hereby, directed to issue patents, m fee simple, to to mu, www \Villiam Hardridge, or to his assignees or legal representatives, upon Hardridge.