Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/650

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550 TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 135, 136, 137. 1833. of Congress to the officers of the continental line in the war of the revolution, together with such interest thereon as would now be due, if a certificate for such commutation had been issued and subscribed under the principles of the funding act, and no payments made Act or August thereon: to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise 4* "g°» °l‘· 3* appropriated. Approved, March 2, 1833. Sryrurr: 11. Much 2, 1g3S_ Can. CXXXV.—-.01:. Act for thefjyelliqf of Jared E. Grace, of the state cf —-——————-- zi cme. Authorized tp Be it enacted, ¢§·o., That it shall be lawful for Jared E. Groce, of {::1'*'*>¤' °¤¤'¤¤¤ the state of Alabama,. to re-enter, with the Register of the land ' office at St. Stephen’s, in the state aforesaid, fractional section numbered ten, in township numbered five, of range four, east; and the Register and Receiver of the land office aforesaid, are hereby required to pass to the credit of the said Jared E. Groce, upon his re-entry of the fractional section aforesaid, the amount of the purchase money ` l of the south-west quarter of section numbered six, in township num- Provtso. bered seventeen, of range four, east : Provided, The said Groce shall sulprelpdler to thlplgitegister of the land office aforesaid, the patent w ic ie now o s from the United States for the quarter section above described, accompanied by such a release of his interest to the r land therein designated, as the Commissioner of the General Land P¤‘<>v1¤<>· Office shall direct: 'And provided, The said fractional section shall remain unsold; and, if sold, said Groce may enter any other land in said district, subject to private sale, and be credited to said amount in like manner. Suwu IL Arvxovmn, March 2, 1833. _ M. h21833. . ..;TL. CHA?. CXXXVI.—~ Art Act for the relief of T hadeus Phelps and Company. Benenwfdmw. I Be it enacted, Qw., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he iii? "° d` }i§`°§§`}’;r“`$¥*$'.¥i€2’$1.l°3lL°`»KcL‘Liff}L’}dTi“ZPST “"d °°“*’i“"ya °i _ r. w a upon one run re and sgxty bales of cottdn, imported from the island of Cuba, and exorte by the said Phelps and Company, in August, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three in the ship Commerce to Liverpool with Provisc. afvipw rip the benefit ofidrawbackz Provided, That the Secietary o the reasury shall be satisfied that all the requirements of the law have been complied with, except those which relate to the time within which an oath should be taken and an export bond given: Proviso. And provided, That the said Phelps and Company shall have first paid or dischar ed all their bonds and other liabilities to the United States g i Snwm H Armtovmu, March 2, 1833.

 Crier. CXXXVlI.~——An Act for the relief of William Stewart.

Excess or pm-. Be it enacted, dw., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and m°:°t:*€:$gr§;{ he is hereby, directed to repay to William Stewart, his heirs or legal dsa_ representatives, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the {sum of£lninety-two dollars and sixty cents; the same being an excess 0 purc ase money paid by the same Williani Stewart on the north-east quarter of section thirty-six, in township ten, of range phrplp, eapt, infthe digtrilct oflands subject to sale at Cincinnati,_in Ohio, areaiiiglf .3. lll'; JL£'$.‘Zi°LS§'“’.l.°'{°"‘y`“‘i “T“?’2‘S ""Ziy`h“"` _ , ‘ ( ve e rue con en s 0 e said quarter section, as reported by the Surveyor-General in the official plat of survey. Approved, March 2, 1833.