Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/664

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564 TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 61, 62, 63,64. 1834. conveyed, shall not be construed, so as to prejudice the rights of third persons, or as any thing more than a quit·claim title on the part of the United States. Approved, June 18, 1834. Smnurs I. Jung 19, 1834, Cun LXI.—-An dot for the relief of Francis Barnes. Be it enacted, &e., That in the settlement of the contract of Francis ?¤ym¤n¢_f<>r Barnes with the Board of Navy Commissioners, to supply whiskey for d‘r?`:°';‘}°;;€;fh° the use of the navy for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty- Key, gw_ one, the accounting officers of the treasury allow him the sum of seven hundred dollars, out of the amount charged him for the difference between the contract price and the sum paid by the navy agent at Baltimore, in the purchase of twenty thousand gallons of whiskey which said Barnes had failed to supply on a requisition under his contract. Ammovnn, June 19, 1834. S·n·ru·r¤ I. Juno1S, 1834. Cin?. LXII.—-dn Act for the relief of the heirs of sflezeander Boyd, deceased. Be it enacted, dec., That the heirs of Alexander Boyd, deceased, be, Land claims and they are hereby, confirmed in their claim to three hundred arpens °°““’m°d· of land, situated on the left bank of the river Comite, in the state of Louisiana, to be located according to a plat of survey made of said land by Don Vincent Sebastian Pentardo, on the twenty-ninth of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and approved by the royal surveyor of the province, Carlos Trudeau, on the twentieth November, one Proviso. thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall, in any manner, affect the rights of third persons, or any claim derived from the United States, by purchase or donation. Approved, June 19, 1834. Srnurs I. _` Jam 19, 1534, Can. LXIII. -An Act for the reli4` ley John Percival, Master Commandarat in ···——-·—-—-·--—- the Unite States Navy. Be it enacted gw., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he Payment for hereby is, directe to pay to John Percival, master commandant in the

,°;:’{;:;m",g United States navy, five hundred dollars, being the amount expended

ss,-vm_ by said Percival while commanding the United States schooner Dolphin during a cruise in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, and one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, to the Mulgrave and other islands in the acific Ocean, to relieve a part of the crew of the whale ship Globe; and that the same be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 19, 1834. Summa I. """"' hm 19. l834· CHAP. LX1`V.—-—.tln Act for the relief if Aaron Bellamy. Be it enacted, rye., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Aaron P¤yp;¤¤t_f¤x;l¤ Bellamy, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, the sum of nine "'digg °“"l" ° hundred dollars, the value of a vessel taken into the service of the United pu service. . . States during the late war, to transport a quantity of flour on Lake Champlain, without the knowledge or consent of the owner, and against the will and remonstrance of the master; but which will, if given at all, was by the threats and coercion of an officer in the service of the United States; the said vessel having been captured by the enemy while in said service. Armzovsn, June 19, 1834.