Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/671

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TWENTY-T111RD CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 94, 107, 108, 109. 1834. 571 Srnure I. C1-mr. XCIV. —An .r1ct for the reliq" of the administrators of Mchacl Gratz. June 27, 1834. Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and required to adjust and Value of two liquidate the value of two certificates issued from the Loan Office of l9¤¤ Oflive cer- New Jersey, to Ogden and Curtis, the one numbered two thousand b° three hundred and forty-one, the other two thousand three hundred and I fifty-three, both bearing date the twenty-ninth of March, seventeen hundred and seventy-nine, and each for the sum of five hundred dollars; and also for another certificate, numbered one thousand three hundred and fifty-six, which issued from the Loan Office of Pennsylvania, to William Henderson, for one thousand dollars, dated January twelfth, seventeen hundred and seventy-nine; and that the value so adjusted of said three certificates, together with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum, be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated by law, to the administrators of Michael Gratz, deceased: Provided, That, before payment is made as aforesaid, the p,0v,s0_ said administrators shall give bond to the United States, to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, for refunding the amount to be paid on either of said certificates which may hereafter be presented for · payment, or of all, if all should be so presented. Approved, June 27, 1834. ·—··· Sryrurs I. CHAP. CVII.—.drs Act for the relief of PI/Wliam Uieedon. June 28, 1834. Be it enacted, <§~c., That William Weedon be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter any other quarter section of unappropriated land Amhoyizedm within the Arkansas military district of bounty lands, instead of the 8¤f6F¤¥Y¤<>¤¤f north-east quarter of section twenty-two, of township five north, and land' range twelve west; for which a patent issued`to said Weedon on the twenty-seventh day of November, one thousand eight hundred and twenty·0ne, but was not received by him until said quarter section was sold for the taxes due thereon: Provided, the said Weedon shall first proviso, surrender said patent, and file his relinquishment of all claim to said quarter section in the General Land Office. Approved, June 28, 1834. ——-—— Smtryrrz I. CHAP. CVII1. —.lZn det for the relief of Eltjah Lincoln. june 28, ]g34_ Be it enacted, ¢$~c., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue to Elijah Lincoln a military land war- Land warrant rant for one hundred acres of land, for revolutionary services, in lieu of *° ‘”“€ ‘° h““· a warrant number one thousand and ninety-two, alleged to havebeen issued to Elijah Lincoln in the year one thousand eight hundrei, and to have been lost. Approved, June 28, 1834. —····—· STATUTE I. CHAP. CIX.-—An ./2et for the reliq" tf John Elie Tltolozan and Wiilliam gum, gg, ]g;;4_ Russell. "*""‘*" ” Be it enacted, <$·c., That it shall be the duty of the recorder of·land titles in the state of Missouri, and the two commissioners appointed G1aimS0fJ,E. under the act of the ninth of July, one thousand eight hundred and ;j;*;yj;3g°;i thirty-two, entitled "An act for the final adjustment of private land cordermd 33m_ claims in Missouri," to examine the claim of John Elie Tholozan, to a misaieners. tract of ten thousand arpens of land, situate on Black river, in the Ter- IgE2gb1g59- ritory of Arkansas, under a concession to Jacques Vincent, by the ’` Baron de Carondelet, on the third day of May, one thousandlseven hundred and ninety-four, testimony0f which claim is on record in the office