Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/703

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TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess.I. Ch.269,2’70,271,2’72, 273. 1834. 603 S·n·ru·r: I. Crm?. CCLXIX.-adn Act for the relief tf Ann Mortimer Barron. June 30, 1834. Bc it enacted, ¢§·c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury he, and they are hereby, required to pay to Ann Mortimer Barron, Seven years' only daughter and surviving heir of William Barron, an officer in the £:U;P°g' gf? navy, killed in the service of the United States, during the revolutionary ],,;,,%°§,,,,”M_ war, the aggregate amount of the half pay of a first lieutenant of a Barron, as frigate, for seven years, to be paid out of any money in the treasury, g°P8h‘£°{,};'l? not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That the said Ann Mortimer B?:,.:,, I em Barron, before the payment thereof, do exhibit such proof to the Secre- Proviso. tary of the Treasury, as will satisfy him that she is the only daughter and heir of the said William Barron. Approved, June 30, 1834. ······-·· Snrvra I. CHAP. CCLXX.—— Jin Act to rZ"und to certain owners f the schooner Joseph and June 30, 1834. Mary, the sum paid into the treasury by reason the condemnation of said _*’*—‘ vcssc Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is authorized to refund to Charles Cramer, George Kaler, George Certain mo- Creamer, Isaac G. Reed, and John Studley, part owners of the schooner {WY: *0 be F6- Joseph and Mary, or to their legal representatives, according to their g:,,,:°;;:,E1h°°' respective interests in said schooner, the sum of eight hundred and others. ninety-three dollars and one cent, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; which sum was paid into the treasury, in consequence of the forfeiture of the said schooner, and condemnation of the said vessel, in the District Court of the District of Massachusetts, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one. Amurovmn, June 30, 1834. ` """ Sururs I. Can. CCLXXI. ——An Act for the relief of lohn Wilson. 3,,,,,, 30, 1g3i_ Be it enacted, Qc., That to correct an error in the proceedings of """ the late Board of Commissioners appointed to examine and adjust private Land title land claims in Missouri, John Wilson be, and he is hereby, conlirmed ¤¤¤H¤¤¤d· in his title to six hundred and twenty-two acres of land, situate in township number forty-two north, of range five east, of the. lifth principal meridian, instead of six hundred and twenty-two arpens, adjudged to him by the Board of Commissioners aforesaid. Approved, June 30, 1834. i... STATUTB I. CHAP. CCLXXII.-An Act for the rcliqfof the legal representatives of Gzptain June 30, |334_ James Craine. ***1 Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap- Five years' propriated bylaw, to pay to Edwin C. Brown and Maria Brown, the £“llt§{‘nY3,0tv°d latter being the only child and heir of Captain James Craine, deceased, ,§gm_ the amount of five years’ full pay of a captain of infantry in the revolutionary army of the United States. Avpaovan, June 30, 1834. I j Suruwz . CHAP. CCLXXIII.——An Act authorizing a sum of money to be distributed among June 30, 1834. the officcrs and crew of the late private armed brig General Armstrong. "‘_*"‘*" Be it enacted, Qc., That the sum of ten thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not P¤Ym¤¤¢ Y0! otherwise appropriated, as prize money, among the officers and crew p"" m°"°y' of the late private armed brig General Armstrong, and the legal representatives of such as may be dead. Armovnn, June 30, 1834.