Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/727

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TWEN'1`Y-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. 1836. 627 by the British in the late war, and that the value thereof be paid to the legal representatives of said Beacham, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved, February 17, 1836.

  • ·*······ Srnurs I.

Cru?. XXXIV.-—·An Hel for the relief of Joshua Cullumber. F,b_ ly, jgg6_ Be it enacted, myc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to pay to Joshua Cullumber one thousand dollars, the value of the schooner Payment for a Two Brothers, owned by him, and forcibly impressed into the service ¤<>h°¤¤¤¤' i¤¤· of the United States, by order of an officer, and destroyed by the Bri- pr°°S°d' tish, in eighteen hundred and fourteen, in St. Leonard’s creek, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, February 17, 1836. —····-·-— Stunts I. CHAP. XXXV. —An Act for the relief of Abner Slilstm. Feb. 17, 1836. Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to Abner Stilson, out of any money in the trea- Payment for sury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of sixty dollars, for carrying °°’*Y‘"£““ °x' an express from the settlers of Elkhart, in the state of Indiana, to Go- Prem °` vernor Noble, and for carrying his reply back to the said settlers, during the Indian disturbances, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two. Approved, February 17, 1836. -—-~ Stunts I. Crm?. XXXVI. —An Act for the relief of Owen Rice, and others, representa- F¤b· 17» 1836- tives lf Jacob Egerly. · `-_____-_' Be it enacted, <§~c., That the Solicitor of the Treasury be authorized and directed to examine the claims of the representatives of Jacob Claims to be Eyerly, and to allow, if he shall find them to be just, an amount which examined. &»°· will balance the accounts of said Eyerly, as they were on the books of the treasury department, at the death of said Eyerly, in the year eighteen hundred. Approved, February 17, 1836. --— Stunts I. CHAP. XXXVII.—-An dot for Um reliq" of Daniel Homans. F6}!- 17. 1836- Be it enacted, rfc., That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to adjust the claim of Daniel Homans arising Claim f°§d¤· under a contract with him to build a marine hospital nt Charleston in gxggcrfo sia the State of South Carolina, in consequence of the delay occasioned by cgglqd, the difficulty of fixing a foundation on the lot first selected for that building; and the amount of damages of such delay, found to be justly due said Homans on the adjustment of said claim, is hereby directed to be paid him out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Arpnovmn, February 17, 1836. -——-—- Stunts I. CHAP. XXXVIII.-An Act Io incorporate a Fire Insurance Company in the lown Feb. 17, 1836. of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia. "`"_`-I""-` Be it enacted, qw., That the persons who were the proprietors of the stock of the late Fire Insurance Company of the town of Alexandria, on Certain perthe eighth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, and there- presentatives and assigns of such of them as have since that time died, insnnnncc ccnn. or transferred their interests, be, and the same are hereby incorporated P¤¤Y· and declared to be a body politic, under the name and style of the Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria.