Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/759

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TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. S. I. C1r.229,23‘7,23S,239,240. 1836. 659 thirty-tive, Provided,That in the event of her death or marriage before Proviso. the expiration of said five years, the half pay for the remainder of the time shall go to the child of said Captain Schmuck. Approved, June 28, 1836. ————— Srarura I. CHAP. CCXXIX.—-dn Jlclfvr the relief rg/' Ahaheus Hutchins. ·I¤¤6 28, 1836- Be it enacted, tyc., That the Secretary of War be directed to Alpheus Hutchins, of Coos county, state of New Hampshire, out of A pension _ any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four 8'°’“°d *0 lumdollars per month, during his natural life; payment commencing on the first January, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Approved, June 28, 1836. ————— Srnvm-2 I. Cr-mp, CCXXXVII. -—An dat for the relief of Joseph W Green and the owners July L IBF56- aml crew ry` the schooner Two Brothers, of Maa·blehead, in the state of _______Q Massachusetts. Be it enacted, ¢§~c., That the Collector of the Customs for Marblehead, in the state of Massachusetts, gis hereby authorized to pay to Jo- Allowance ton seph W. Green and the crew of the fishing schooner Two Brothers, to {l:£‘:€;;;‘°°”°' be distributed according to law, the same said vessel would have been ' entitled to receive as a bounty or drawback if she had been actually at sea during the whole time required by law to be entitled to said bounty ; she having been lost before she had accomplished her full term required b law. yAi>r·rtovnn, July 1, 1836. -»- Snrvrs I. Cmp. CCXXXVIII.-dn Act for the relief of James Tucker and John Judge. -I“lY L 1836- Be it enacted, &c., That there shall be paid to James Tucker and John Judge, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropri- Payment for ated, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars; which sum so paid the ““t°f;‘ °“' to them shall be in full consideration for the use of their patent in the am pa an ` construction of anchors for the navy of the United States, and in full of all claims of the said James Tucker and John Judge against the United States for the use of said patent from the time of granting the same until its final termination. Arpaovnn, July 1, 1836. """"_‘ Srnvrs I. CHAP. CCXXXIX.—An Act for the relief of Andrew Hoover, of Dtdiana. Juyy 1, 1836, Be it enacted, <§~c., That the proper officer of the treasury pay to Andrew Hoover, of Marion county, Indiana, ninety dollars in full, for Payment for a horse lost in the service of the United States, in June, eighteen hun- a horse loot. dred and thirty-two, which horse was lost while in the use of John Steale as a mounted volunteer: Provided, The said Hoover shall file Proviso. his bond with sufficient security to indemnify the United States against the claim of any other person or persons for said property. Approved, July 1, 1836. ————-— S·r-Arvrs I. CHAP. CCXL.——An Act for the relief of James .r2lerander, and Ira Nash. July 1, 1836; Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to pay out of any money in the treasury not payment {0,- otherwise appropriated, to James Alexander, the sum of four hundred [indian depreda and three dollars, and to Ira Nash, the sum offive hundred and seventy- “°“’· tive dollars ; it being for losses they sustained by depredstions committed upon their property by a band of Sac and Fox Indians, in the year eighteen hundred and fourteen. Approved, July 1, 1836.