Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/76

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lxxvi LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. Pm Military Services. An act for the relief of the legal representatives of William Hooker Smith, deceased. July 7, 1838 . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . .. 731 Military Services. An not for the relief of the legal representatives of John B.Asha, deceased. ml uly 7, 1838 . . . Military Services, An act for the relief of the children and heirs ut, law of John Chilton, dccsnscd. JuIy7, 1838 . .. ... . . .. .. . .. 731 Military Services. An act for the relief of the administrator of Wharton Quarlcs, deceased. 732 July 7, 1838 . .. Pension. An not for the relief of·James H. Bradford. July *7, 1838 ... 732 Military Services. An act for the rclicfcf Joseph Prescott. July 7, 1838. . ... . . . . . . 732 Pension. An njct for the relief of John McClellan. July 7, 183S° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 732 Pension. An act granting u pension to Johan Jost Dietz, of New York. July 7, 1838 . . . 732 Pension. An act for the relief of James Boyd. July 7, 1838 . 732 Pension. An act for the rcliofof Sarah Pemberton. July 7, 1838. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733 Pension. An act for the relief of Joseph Sulmonds. July 7, 1838 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733 Pension. An act for the relief of William Collins. July 7, 1838 .. 733 Pension. An act for the rclicf·of Letitia Crunc. July 7, 1838 . . . . . . . .. 733 Pension. An act for the relief of Nicholas Vcrplast. July 7, 1838 . . . . 733 Register for Bargue Calypso. An act For the relief of Samuel Potter and James Cassidcy, of Wilmington, North Carolina. July 7, 1838 . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . 733 Duties refunded. An act to refund to the Georgia. Railroud and Banking Company, certain duties paid upon railroad iron. July 7, 1838 .. 734 Pension. An act for the relief of Henry Burton. July 7, 1838 734 Pension. An acl: to wtliorize the Commissioncr of Pensions to cause the unpaid pension of Cuptnin Robert Laird, of the Stntc of Georgia., to be paid to his executor. July 7, 1838 734 Accounts. An act for the settlement of the nccounts of Riclmrd Harrison, lute consular agent of the United States in Spain. July 7, 1838 .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 734 Pension. An not for the rcliof of Charles Vuttior. July 7, 1838 . . . . . . . . . . . 735 Military Services. An act to authorize the pnyment of tho seven years' half pg; due on account of tho revolutionary scrviccs of John McClelland, dcccnsod. July 7, 18 . 735 Pension. An act for tho relief of the hcirs of Dcboruh Gmmott, n soldier of the revolution, deccuscd. July 7, 1838  : .. 735 Pension. An not to authorize Wllliuni Delcsdcrnicr to draw the urrcztrngcs of pension duc the lntc Lewis F. Dslcsdcrnier ut the timo of his dcutli. July 7, 1838 . . .·... . 736 Claims. An act for thu bcncflt of the widow of N onli Chittenden. July 7, 1838 . . 736 Pension. An not for tho benefit of Tandy Walker. July 7, 1838 .. . . . . 736 Pension. An act granting u pension to Collin Sanborn. July 7, 1838 . . . . .. 736 P¤¤8i0r;.83€n act granting a. pension to Phcbc Chumpo, of Franklin county, Ohio. July 7,

. .. . . 736

Pension. An act granting n pension to Surah Burney, widow cl` Samuel Barney, late of Connecticut. July'/,1B38.. .. ,.. ... .. . 736 Pension. An act granting a, pension to John M. Jcwcll. July 7, 1838 .. . . . . 737 Pension. An act granting 11 pcnsion to Dunicl H. Crockett. July 7, 1838 . . . . . . 737 Pension. An act granting a pension to Thomas Fruzcr. July 7, 1838 . . . . . 737 Pension. An act granting u pension to Jnmcs M. Edwards. July 7, 1838 . . 737 Pension. An not granting n pension to Jamcs Suyrc. July 7, 1838 . . . . . . . . . . . . 737 Pension. An act granting n pcnsion to Benjamin Durfco. July 7, 1838 . ... 737 .DHZita~ry Servigec. An act for tho rclicfof the legal reproscntutives of Timothy F ccly, dcccuscd, lntc u lieutenant in tho urmy of the ruvolution. July 7, 1838 . . . . . . . . 738 lllilitqry Service:. An unt for thu rclicf of the legal represcntotives of Dunicl Williams, doccnscd. July 7, 1838. . E 738