Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/761

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TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-1. 246,24'7,250,251. 1836. 661 the hostile Indians in eighteen hundred and thirty-two: Provided, The Proviso. said Evans shall file his bond, with sufficient security, to indemnify the United States against the claim of any other person or persons to the said property. Approved, July 1, 1836. 'l" Snruu I. Cuar. CCXLVI.—An dctfor the reliefofbcctarsl E. B. Finally, and .0. IL Deus. July 1, 1836. Be it enacted, dec., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise Pa ment for appropriated, to Doctor J. E. B. Findly, the sum of one hundred and “!°dl°“l“*‘ fifty dollars, and a like sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to Doctor vm!' A. H. Deas, on account of medical services rendered by them to four companies of United States troops, on their passage from Charleston, South Carolina, to Old Point Comfort, in the state of Virginia. Approved, July 1, 1836. --——- Snrvrz I. I Cin?. CCXLVII.-·An Act for the relief of Joshua Pitcher. July 1, 1836, Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to allow to Joshua Pitcher, the sum of one hundred dollars Allowance to in the settlement of his accounts as Indian agent, in addition to three him ¤¤ I¤dl¤¤ hundred dollars authorized by law to be paid to an interpreter. ag°m' Approved, July 1, 1836. "‘;" Srnurn I. Cmtp. CCL.—.r2n Act confirming to the legal representatives of Thomas F. Red- July l, 1836, dick, a tract of six hundred and forty acres of land. ‘;‘··—····· Be it enacted, &c., That all the right, title, claim and interest, that the United States have in and unto a certain tract or parcel of land, mgm, gw_ of containing six hundred and forty acres, situate on the left bank of the U, S. toacer- Mississippi river, about eighteen miles above the mouth of the Des- }:;;‘d';‘;%L°£iSh_ moines river, in fractional township number sixty-six, north of the base ed ,6 thang_ line of range number tive, west of the fifth principal meridian, in the territory recently attached to the Territory of Michigan, as will more ` fully appear on reference to the plat of survey, executed by Jenifer T. Sprigg, be, and the same is hereby, relinquished to the heirs of Thomas F. Reddick: Provided, nevertheless, If said lands shall be taken by any proviso_ older or better claim, not emanating from the United States, the government will not be in anywise responsible for any remuneration to said heirs: And provided, also, That should said tract of land be included Proving, in any reservation heretofore made under treaty with any Indian tribe, that the said heirs be, and they hereby are, authorized to locate the same quantity, in legal divisions or subdivisions, on any unappropriated land of the United States in said Territory subject to entry at private sale. Approved, July 1, 1836. _·——‘ Sruurn I. CHAP. CCLI. -— An Act for the relief of the lpgzl representatives of Michael Few july gr ]836_ wick, decease . ""‘_‘*_‘ Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to the legal representatives of Michael Fenwick, out of any money not other- Payment ,-0, wise appropriated, the sum of five thousand dollars, the value of a gbgusg de. dwelling-house occupied by the troops of the United States, during the ¤!f<>Y¢d· late war with Great Britain, and destroyed by the enemy, when so occupied, and in consequence thereof _ _ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Third Auditor of the b'g`i;;;;¥:1¤:_¤;*° Treasury decide on the testimony that the legal representatives of said Spwin other Michael Fenwick may produce, as to the occupation3<{;f other buildings losses,%r.c.