Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/793

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TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sr:ss.II. Ch. 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. 1837. 693 and twenty-eight, in carrying out Mr. Edward Weyer, bearer of despatches to the commander of the squadron in the Mediterranean sea, by order of the Secretary of the Navy of the United States. AP1’ROVED, March 3, 1837. Srnvrs II. QHAP. LXII.-.lln .LIcl for the telly" q/' Green Pryor and the heirs of PeterPryor, March 3, l887_ Be it enacted, cfs., That the President of the United States cause to be issued to Green Pryor and the heirs of Peter Pryor, a patent for frac· L,,,,; P,,,,,,,, tional section number two, of township fourteen, range five east, in the be issued. Washington land district, in the state of Mississippi, it being the same entered by Isham Arthur, on the sixteenth day of October, eighteen hundred and sixteen, and by him transferred to Green and Peter Pryor. A1-rnovzo, March 3, 1837. """""· Srawrs II. CHA?. LXIII. --An dc! for the relief of the legal representatives of Isaac WU- Much 3, ]337_ liams, deceased. *·····—— Be it enacted, dw., That the legal representatives of Isaac Williams, deceased, of the county of Wilkinson, in the state of Mississippi, be, Amhoyizgdm and they are hereby, authorized to re-enter, at any time within six r¤—¤¤¢¤r ¤¤¤¤i¤ months after the passage of this act, so much of fractional sections num— l°“d‘ bers thirty-nine and forty-one, in township number one, of range number one west, in the district of lands subject to sale at Vilashington, in said state, as remains unsold, and that the sums of money heretofore paid by Isaac Bush and Isaac Williams, or either of them, on said fractional sections, be passed to the credit of the said representatives, in part payment for the said fractional sections. Am-novan, March 3, 1837. Szwrumr II. Cmtr. LX1 V.-./2n Act for the relief of Charles W Pickering. Mm-ch 3, 1831. Be it enacted, <§·c., That the proper accounting officer of the treasury be authorized to adjust and settle the account of Charles W. Pickering, Allowed dll-, a midshipman in the navy of the United States, and to allow him the fereneebetwceu dilference between the pay and emoluments of a lieutenant over that of E:{,°£n“;,l:,‘;£‘ a midshipman, for the period during which he performed the duties of Shlpmam a lieutenant on board the United States ship Falmouth, by order of her commander, Francis H. Gregory, in the Pacific Ocean, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-three ; and the amount so found due to him shall be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Ar-mzovmv, March 3, 1837. Sururs II. Crier. LXV.--.»9n Jfct for the relief of Jera}zFcm1er. March 3, 1837. Be it enacted, dw., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to J erah Fenner, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, his pay as a sol- Payment for dier in the service of the United States, from the thirtieth of June gsmé? “““ eighteen hundred and fourteen, to the eighteenth of October, eighteen ‘ hundred and fourteen, inclusive. APPROVED, March 3, 1837. Snruu-: II. CHAP. LXVI.—.Rr• Aol for lhe relief of I£ and D. Cofkeah of New York. March 3. 183-[_ Be it enacted, dm., That the collector of the port of New York be, Auowmcc of and he is hereby, authorized to permit H. and D. Cotheal of New York, drawback on to export, with the benefit of drawback, certain cases or packages of playing ems.,