Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/835

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TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch.234,235,236. 1838. 735

according to the resolutions of Congress of the third of June, seventeen Accounts to hundred and eighty-four, for the settlement of public accounts, the ac- l>¤ Settled ¤¤- counts of Richard Harrison, formerly consular agent of the United ffd‘“g Q§’_{°“°' States at Cadiz, in Spain, and to allow him the interest on the money S`: ierrhd? anidm advanced, under agreement with the minister of the United States in i¤¤¤r<¤¤¤<>n me- Spain, for the relief of destitute and distressed American seamen, and {ml, °d"?é‘°3i {Oi- their passages to the United States, from the time the advances re- 0 e pm ’ c` spectively were made, to the time at which the said advances were reimbursed; and for the expenses of employing an interpreter and clerk in the service of the United States, the sum of one thousand dollars per year for the time he acted as agent, viz: from seventeen hundred and eighty to seventeen hundred and eighty-tive; and the sum found due shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriatcd. Approved, July 7, 1838. Srnrrrs II. Cun. CCXXXIV.—An Act for the relieyf of Charles Vattier. July 7, 1838, Be it enacted, &e., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to place the name of Charles Vattier, of Cincinnati, in the To be placed state of Ohio, on the roll of invalid pensioners, and that he be entitled °" l’°"°‘°“ '°u· to receive the sum of eight dollars per month, during his natural life, from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. Approved, July 7, 1838. Srururs II. C1-r.u·. CCXXXV.——An Act to authorize the payment of the seven _1/ears’ half July 7, 1838· pay due on account of the revolutionary services ofJ'oh,n McClelland, deceased. `_`_"""`_` Be it enacted, &·e., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Seven years? treasury not otherwise appropriated, the full amount of seven years’ gall FY °f” half pay of a first lieutenant of infantry in the army of the revolution, Om.,fQ`;`t:.§,':°nt to such person or persons as may be entitled to the same under the re- allowed. solution of Congress of the twenty-fourth of August, seventeen hundred and eighty, on account of the services of John McClelland, late a first lieutenant in the army of the revolution, who died in the service. Approved, July 7, 1838. Srnurs II.

Chap. CCXXXVI.-An Act for the relief of the heirs of Deborah Gannett, a soldier of the revolution, deceased.Statute II July 7, 1838

Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise payment to appropriated, to the heirs of Deborah Gannett, a revolutionary soldier,Payment to them as an equivalent for a pensionand late the wife of Benjamin Gannett, of Sharon in the state of Massachusetts, now deceased, the sum of four hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents, being an equivalent for a full pension of eighty dollars per annum, from the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, to the decease of Benjamin Gannett in January, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, as granted in certain cases to the widows of revolutionary soldiers by the act passed the fourth day of July, eighteenAct of July 4, 1836, ch. 262.hundred and thirty-six, entitled "An act granting half pay to widows, or orphans where their husbands or fathers have died of wounds received in the military service of the United States in certain cases, and for other purposes."

Approved, July 7, 1838.