Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/840

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740 TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 257, 258. 1838. Surure II. July 7, 1838. Cru!. CCLVH.-dn Act lo remit or re/`wnd duties to the Baltimore and Susque- ""_"”" hanna Railroad Connpslny, upon certain importations of iron made by them for the use of their railro . Be it enacted, <§·c., That it shall be, and is hereby made, the duty Entitled w of the Secretary of the Treasury to extend to the Baltimore and Susg,?_'}‘;l?*“,gf;‘;;2 quehanna Railroad Company all the benefits of the act of the fourteenth Cb_Q5h_ ,Q to ’ day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, entitled “An qertsinimpqrtu- act to release from duty iron prepared for and actuallylaid on railways {{y¤¤m¤d°¤¤°° and inclined planes," as to any importations of fastenings for the rails e passage of . . act cfluly g, upon the road of the said company, made since the passage of the act 1836. 5=h.233. of the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, ex- P'°‘”“°· planatory of the act last above mentioned: Provided, '1`hat the said company shall first prove, to the satisfaction of the said Secretary, that the orders for the importation of the said iron, so imported for fastenings, were given prior to the passage of the said act of the first day~of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, that the same had been sent out of the country before the passage of the said act; that they could not be countermanded without detriment and loss to the said company; and that the said company shall further comply with all the provisions, requisitions, and conditions of the said act of the fourteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Approved, July 7, 1838. Srarurz II. -l¤lY `7» 1838- Can. CCLVHI.-.22n Act to refund to the New Castle and Frenchtown Turnpike ’"`_`“““"' and Railroad Company certain duties paid by them upon iron imported for the construction of their railroad. Be it enacted, dw., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he ,D¤*l°¤ ,0** *W° hereby is, directed to refund to the New Castle and Frenchtown Turn-

gS of pike and Railroad Company the duties paid by them to the collector of

be rcliindedl the customs for the port of Wilmington, in the state of Delaware, upon two several importations of spikes, clamps, and bolts, or other fastenings for the rails upon the railroad of the said company, the one made on the twelfth day of October, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, in the ship Kutuzofl`, and the other on the twenty seventh day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, in the ship Isaac Hicks, the duties to be refunded amounting, upon both importations, to the sum of two thou- Provisc. sand and three dollars and eighty-three cents: Provided, That the said company shall first prove to the satisfaction of the said Secretary, that the said duties were properly chargeable to and paid by the said company, and were not covered by their contract with their agents, A. and G. Ralston and Company, for the purchase and importation of the said iron; that the amount of money above named was paid upon spikes, clamps, and bolts, or other fastenings, for the rails upon the road of the said company; that the orders for the said spikes, clamps, and bolts, or other fastenings, were given and transmitted beyond their reach before Act of July 1, the passage of the act of the first of July, eighteen hundred and thirty- 1336- ***333- six, in relation to railroad iron; that it was not in the power of the said company, after the passage of the said last mentioned act, to countermand their said orders without detriment and loss to the company; and that the spikes, clamps, and bolts, or other fastenings, upon which the duties are to be refunded by virtue of this act, have been actually used in the construction of their railroad. Approved, July 7, 1838.