Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/843

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TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. S. 1I. C. 260,26],262,263. R. 3. 1838. 743 Srnurn II. CHAP, CCLX.-—·.d’n .d6¢ fvf the relief Qf ·d. Quertier and Albert, of New Orleans. jury 7, ]ggg_ Be it enacted, <§~c., That A. Quertier and Albert, of New Orleans, are hereby authorized to export, with the benefit of drawback, a package Drawback ulgf Spanish playing cards, which was imported into that port in Novem- l<>W<’=d ¤¤ Play- ber last, in the ship Alexander Toussin, from Havre, and now remain- mg °"d”‘ ing in the public stores: Provided, That all the regulations relating to the exportation of merchandise, with the benefit of drawback, shall be complied with. APPROVED, July 7, 1838. Srnvcrr-: II. CHAP. CCLXI.—An Act for the relief of Richard F risby. July -7, 1g3S_ Be it enacted, c§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay, out of any unappropriated money, to Richard Frisby, two thousand dollars, in Payment for full, for property destroyed at Farlie, so called, in Kent county, Mary- Pl’°P°"Y d¢- land, by the British forces, in the year eighteen hundred and four- S"°y°d‘ teen, when in the military service of the United States, and in consequence thereof Approved, July 7, 1838. Srnrurs II. Crum. CCLXII. — Jlrr Act for the relig" of John .d. Peterson executor o the last 7 will and testament of John H. Peterson, deceaied. f Be it enacted, <.§~c., That there be paid, out of any money in the trea- To be paidthe sury not otherwise appropriated, to John A. Peterson, executor of the umvunt of salalast will and testament of John H. Peterson, deceased, the sum of two the thousand one hundred and eight dollars and thirty cents, being the time of his amount of salary due the said John H. Peterson at the time of his death, death. as surveyor of the district of Petersburg, in Virginia. Ai=r·R0vm>, July 7, 1838. Scnrurn II. CHAP. CCLXIII. —An Act for the relief of Aaron Tucker. Jury 7, ]ggg_ Be it enacted, (Src., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place the name of Aaron Tucker, of the *;-,,;,,,,,1309,; state of Maine, on the roll of invalid pensioners, and that he be allowed on pension roll. a pension of eight dollars a month, from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, to continue during his natural life. Approved, July 7, 1838. RESOLUTION. No. 3. Resolution for the retij of V espasian Ellis. May 33, 1838, Whereas Vespasian Ellis and Henry A. Wise, on the eighteenth of August, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, deposited in the Treasury of Preamble, the United States the sum of tour thousand dollars in gold, incompliance with the second section of the act making further provision for the sale of the public lands, approved twenty~fourth of April, eighteen Aet0fApril 24, hundred and twenty, and received from the Treasurer of the United 1820, ch- 49- States forty receipts or certificates, of one hundred dollars each, dated eighteenth of August, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and numbered from forty to seventy-nine inclusive; and whereas, the said Henry A. Wise, on the thirteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and thirty·