Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/883

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TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 194, 195,196. 1839. 783 Srnwrs III. CHAP. CXCIV.-——An Aclfor the relig of th; legalreprese1ntalioesq,"Jahn Dawson, March 3, 1839. ecease . -———·—- Bq it enacted,.&c., That the legal representatives of John Dawson, deceased, or their assignees, are hereby authorized to locate, on any Anthorizedto public land in the north-western district for the sale of lands in the state l°¤¤°•_¤*!‘¤¤¢ vf of Louisiana, the quantity of six hundred and forty acres, in lieu of the },°:'k,Q“,,}}f:u°f same quantity which has been taken from them and appropriated to from tb . public purposes ;_ which location shall be made in the office of the regis- cm ter of the said district at N atchitoches,who shall issue a proper certificate of said entry and location to the said legal representatives, on the presentment of which to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, a patent for the same shall issue for said land, in the manner directed by law; Provided, That the said entry or location shall be made within p,,,v,_,,,_ twelve months after the passage of this act, and shall conform to the legal surveys. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, at the time of making the A dw; Dfw aforesaid entry or location, the said legal representatives of John Daw- lease to U. S. to son, deceased, or their legal assignee or assignees, shall produce to the b° l“'°d“°€d· aforesaid register of the land office at Natchitoches and deposite in his office a deed of release and quit-claim to the. United States, made in due form of law, of all their right, title, and claim to the same quantity of land, near Fort Jesup, in Louisiana, in lieu of which the land now granted is given. Aruutovrzn, March 3, 1839. Srnucrs III. CHAP. CXCV.-An ./Zcl for the relief af David Ballantine. March 3, 1839. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be issued to David Ballentine, of Ohio, assignee of Patrick Duffy, a certi- Certificate of ficate of forfeited land scrip for one hundred and forty-seven dollars and f°'l°*zd,}:¤d fifty comp, itbpeing the amoplpt paiél bf-yi saidtP;trick Tgpffy totphe re- ?:,r,?;d,° h,m_ ceiver o pu ic moneys a e an office a anesvi e in e year eighteen hundred and seven, as the first instalment for a qu’arter section of land, and which subsequently reverted to the United States for nonpayment, and was sold to another purchaser. Approved, March 3, 1839. — Srucu III. C1~1.u>. CXCVI.-An Act for 1/ze relief of J Eloi Rrzchal. March 3, ISBQ. Bc it enacted, nyc., That the register of the land office at Natchitoches, in the state of Louisiana, grant to J. Eloi Rachal a certificate L,,,,,; ,6,,;;;, for the-- quarter of section number sixteen, of township number catemlge granteleven, of range number nine, situate on the right or south-west bank ed *° h"“· of Red river, about twenty-three miles above Natchitoches, the same being land to which he claims the right of pre-emption, upon his producing the receiver’s receipt for the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for each acre in said quarter section contained. Sec. 2. And be tt further enacted, That the Secretary of the Trea- 0,},,,,- lgndtg sury cause to be selected one quarter section of land,_in the same dis- be selectgd T trict, for the use of schools, in lieu of the quarter section named in the “’° ° “° °° ‘ first section of this bill: Provided, That the school commissioners for proviso, the parish in which said land is situated, and a majority of the free white male inhabitants of the township, over twenty-one years of age, shall consent to such change. Approved, March 3, 1839.