Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/906

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806 TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 75, 76, 77. 1840. Snrum I. July 20, 1840. Can. LXXV. —-·- An Act for the relijy of the au/relies and heirs and representa- W tives oflllclamton W Bostwic , deceased, and for other purposes. Be it enacted, rfc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and Bond gven by he hereby is, authorized and required to cancel and annul a bond given gk3K; b‘;“;m_ by Melancton W. Bostwick, John Taylor, Chauncey Belding, Caleb g,,,u,d_ Holmes, and Samuel Belding, bearing date the sixth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars; conditioned for the faithful conduct of Melancton W. Bostwick, a purser in the navy of the United States, who perished in the brig Epervier. Amount due Sue. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War ascergk1g5E;;!;} _ tain what amount the late Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander R. Thompson t,;,,,,,;,,,,, paid_ might have received for extra services under any rule, regulation, or practice, of the department, existing at the time the service was rendered ; also, the value of any horse or horses of his that may have been lost in, or turned over to, the public service ; and the expense incurred in the transportation of the baggage, elfects, and remains of the said late Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson from Tampa Bay to New York ; and the respective sums so found due, shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Mary W. Thompson. Approved, July 20, 1840. Snrurs I. —······ July 20, 1840. Cmu>.LXXVI.-—.0r» Act for the relief of Oliver Welch. Be it enacted, &c., That Oliver Welch, of the county of Talladega, Authorized to and state of Alabama, be, and he is hereby, authorized to surrender the

 :‘h':‘°I;r certificate which issued to him from the land office at Mardisville, in

chase G; ccs,,,; said state, on the twenty-fifth day of February, eighteen hundred and land. thirty·live, for the north-east quarter of the north-west quarter of section nine, in township twenty, of range four east, in the Coosa land district; which was purchased and paid for by him through mistake; and upon such surrender of said certificate, or, if a patent shall have issued for said tract of land, upon the surrender of his patent, and filing his relinquishment in said office, the said Oliver Welch shall be entitled to a certificate from the register and receiver of the said land office for the amount which was so paid by mistake; which shall be received in pay- ment for any other tract of land in said land district which may be subject to private entry. APPROVED, July 20, 1840. Snrcra I. _"" Jul? 20s 1840- CrrA1>.LXXVII.—.d·n Act for the relief of Thomas Latham, and for other purposes. Bc it enacted, &·c., That Thomas Latham be, and he is hereby, re- T. Latham rs- leased from a judgment rendered against him by the United States, in l°':,s°d tram ° the district court of the United States for the district of Pamlico, in the Lgfnngfzim as district of North Carolina, as surety of Lewis Leroy, on a bond to the

ui-sty of Lewis United States to secure the payment of the sum of three hundred and

L°'°Y· sixty-one dollars and seven and a half cents, the amount of duties on a proviso_ cargo imported by said Lewis: Provided, however, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to release any other person or persons than the said Thomas Latham; nor shall it be so construed as to release him from the payment of the costs of rendering said judgment. Payment to P. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Trea- §:‘;;‘:jg:nb"·‘ sury be, and hereby is, authorized to pay to Preston Starritt, out of any Wm_ moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five hundred and ninety-four dollars and thirty-five cents, in full for the balance due him for corn furnished the United States in the year eighteen hun-