Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/312

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PUBLIC LAW 4 1 4 - J U N E 27, 1952

[66 S T A T.

an alien in the military, air, or naval service of the United States for filing a petition for naturalization or issuing a certificate of naturalization upon admission to citizenship, and no clerk of any State court shall charge or collect any fee for such services unless the laws of the State require such charge to be made, in which case nothing more than the portion of the fee required to be paid to the State shall be charged or collected. A report of all transactions under this subsection shall be made to the Attorney General as in the case of other reports required of clerks of courts by this title. (i) I n addition to the other fees required by this title, the petitioner for naturalization shall, upon the filing of a petition for naturalization, deposit with and pay to the clerk of court a sum of money sufficient to cover the expenses of subpenaing and paying the legal fees of any witnesses for whom such petitioner may request a subpena, and upon the final discharge of such witnesses, they shall receive, if they demand the same from the clerk, the customary and usual witness fees from the moneys which the petitioner shall have paid to such clerk for such purpose, and the residue, if any, shall be returned by the clerk to the petitioner. M A I L RELATING TO N A T U R A L I Z A T I O N T R A N S M I T T E D FREE OF POSTAGE A N D REGISTERED

SEC. 345. All mail matter of whatever class, relating to naturalization, including duplicate papers required by law or regulation to be sent to the Service by clerks of courts addressed to the Department of Justice or the Service, or any official thereof, and endorsed "Official Business", shall be transmitted free of postage and, if necessary, by registered mail without fee, and so marked. AUTHORIZATION GRANTED FOR P U B L I C A T I O N A N D D I S T R I B U T I O N OF C I T I Z E N S H I P TEXTBOOKS FROM N A T U R A L I Z A T I O N F E E S

SEC. 346. Authorization is hereby granted for the publication and distribution of the citizenship textbook described in subsection (b) of section 332 and for the reimbursement of the appropriation of the Department of Justice upon the records of the Treasury Department from the naturalization fees deposited in the Treasury through the Service for the cost of such publication and distribution, such reimbursement to be made upon statements by the Attorney General of books so published and distributed. C O M P I L A T I O N OF N A T U R A L I Z A T I O N STATISTICS A N D P A Y M E N T FOR EQUIPMENT

SEC. 347. The Attorney General is authorized and directed to prepare from the records in the custody of the Service a report upon those heretofore seeking citizenship to show by nationalities their relation to the numbers of aliens annually arriving and to the prevailing census populations of the foreign-born, their economic, vocational, and other classification, in statistical form, with analytical comment thereon, and to prepare such report annually hereafter. Payment for the equipment used in preparing such compilation shall be made from the appropriation for the enforcement of this Act by the Service.