Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/528

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PUBLIC LAW 476-JULY 9, 1952

[66 S T A T.

to any other provision of law, shall be deemed to be inactive-duty training in the service of the United States as members of one of the reserve components specified in section 202 of this Act. (e) "Armed Forces of the United States" means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, including all components thereof. (f) "Member of a reserve component" means a person appointed or enlisted as a Reserve of an Armed Force of the United States or a person who acquires such status by transfer pursuant to law to any of the reserve components specified in section 202 of this Act: Provided, That no person shall be a member of the National Guard of the United States or the Air National Guard of the United States unless he first be duly enlisted or appointed in the National Guard or the Air National Guard of the appropriate State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, pursuant to law. (g) "Officer" unless otherwise specified, means a commissioned or V.'arrant officer. (h) "Appropriate Secretary" means— (1) the Secretary of the Army with respect to the Army; (2) the Secretary of the Navy with respect to the Navy and Marine Corps and, when the Coast Guard is operating as a service in the Navy, the Coast Guard; (3) the Secretary of the Air Force with respect to the Air Force; or (4) the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the Coast Guard, when the Coast Guard is operating as a service in the Trer.sury Department. (i) "Competent authority" means any authority designated by the appropriate Secretary. (j) "Partial mobilization" means that action taken by the Congress or the President pursuant to any provision of law, to effect the entry into the active military service of the United States of such units and members thereof, or of such members not assigned to units organized for the purpose of serving as such, of any reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States as are required to effect a limited expansion of the active Armed Forces of the United States. PART II—RESERVE COMPONENTS



SEC. 201. (a) The Congress hereby declares that the reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States are maintained for the purpose of providing trained units and qualified individuals to be available for active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States in time of war or national emergency, and at such other times as the national security may require, to meet the requirements of the Armed Forces of the United States in excess of those of the Regular components thereof, during and after the period needed for procurement and training of additional trained units and qualified individuals to achieve the planned mobilization. (b) The Congress further declares, in accordance with our traditional military policy as expressed in the National Defense Act of 39 Stat. 166. 1916, as amended, that it is essential that the strength and organizanote. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * tion of the National Guard, and the Air National Guard, as an in" tegral part of the first line defenses of this Nation, be at all times .: maintained and assured. I t is the intent of the Congress that whenever Congress shall determine that units and organizations are needed for the national security in excess of those of the Regular components of the ground forces and the air forces, the National Guard of the United States, and the Air National Guard of the United States,