Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/757

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66 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 5 5 4 ~ J U L Y 16,

P u b l i c Law 554




AN ACT To further amend the Communications Act of 1934.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Communications Act Amendments, 1952". SKC. 2. Section 3 of such Act is amended by adding after paragraph (aa) the following: " (bb) 'Station license', 'radio station license', or 'license' means that instrument of authorization required by this Act or the rules and regulations of the Commission made pursuant to this Act, for the use or operation of apparatus for transmission of energy, or communications, or signals by radio, by whatever name the instrument may be designated by the Commission, "(ce) 'Broadcast station', 'broadcasting station', or 'radio broadcast station' means a radio station equipped to engage in broadcasting as herein defined. " ( d d) 'Construction permit' or 'permit for construction' means that instrument of authorization required by this Act or the rules and regulations of the Commission made pursuant to this Act for the construction of a station, or the installation of apparatus, for the transmission of energy, or communications, or signals by radio, by whatever name the instrument may be designated by the Commission." SEC. 3. (a) Subsection (b) of section 4 of such Act is amended by striking out the last two sentences thereof and inserting in lieu of such sentences the following: "Such commissioners shall not engage in any other business, vocation, profession, or employment; but this shall not apply to the presentation or delivery of publications or papers for which a reasonable honorarium or compensation may be accepted. Any such commissioner serving as such after one year from the date of enactment of the Communications Act Amendments, 1952, shall not for a period of one year following the termination of his services as a commissioner represent any person before the Commission in a professional capacity, except that this restriction shall not apply to any commissioner who has served the full term for which he was appointed. Not more than four membfers of the Commission shall be members of the same political party." (b) Paragraph (2) of subsection (f) of section 4 of such Act is amended by striking out " (2) " and inserting in lieu thereof " (3) "; and such subsection (f) is further amended by striking out paragraph (1) thereof and inserting in lieu of such paragraph the following paragraphs: "(f)(1) The Commission shall have authority, subject to the provisions of the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, to appoint such officers, engineers, accountants, attorneys, inspectors, examiners, and other employees as are necessary in the exercise of its functions. "(2) Without regard to the civil-service laws, but subject to the Classification Act of 1949, each commissioner may appoint a legal assistant, an engineering assistant, and a secretary, each of whom shall perform such duties as such commissioner shall direct. I n addition, the chairman of the Commission may appoint, without regard to the civil-service laws, but subject to the Classification Act of 1949, an administrative assistant who shall perform such duties as the chairman shall direct." (c) The first sentence of subsection (g) of section 4 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "The Commission may make such expenditures (including expenditures for rent and personal services at the

July 16, 1952 [S. 658]

Communic ations Act Amendments, 1952. 48 Stat. 1065. 47 USC 153.

47 USC 154. eommissioners. Restriction.

Employees; appointment. 63 Stat. 954. 5 USC 1071 note.
