Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/1069

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SUBJECT Small Business Administration—Con. Page Small Defense Plants Administration Liquidation, funds available for expenses 427 Revolving fund, availability for payment of obligations and direct costs under contracts 428 Transfers of records, property, and personnel to Small Business Administration, authority 239 Small Defense P l a n t s Administration: Availability of appropriations 176 Liquidation, funds available for expenses 427 Revolving fund, availability for payment of obligations and direct costs under contracts 428 Time extension 131 Transfers of records, property, and personnel to Small Business Administration, authority 239 Smith-Lever Act: Amendment 83 Appropriation for effecting provisions.220 Smithsonian Institution: Appropriation for 310 Board of Regents— Fleming, Robert V., reappointment as citizen regent 184 Roberts, Owen Josephus, appointment as member 184 Smoky Hill Air Force Base, Salina, K a n s.: Acquisition of land, construction of facilities authorized 445 Rescission of prior construction authorization 459 Social Security Act: Amendments, federal old-age and survivors insurance benefits— Veterans' benefits— Lump-sum death payments for individuals dying in service and reinterred, time extension for application 580 Wage credits for military service, time extension 580 Wisconsin retirement fund 587 Funds for effecting provisions 246, 247, 255 Social Security Administration: Appropriation for 13, 254 Chief Actuary, membership on Board of Actuaries under Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953504



Social Security Administration—Con. Page Children's Bureau, appropriation for 255 Commissioner— Appointment, compensation, etc 631 Appropriation for Office of 255 Federal Credit Unions, Bureau of, loan to operating fund; interest r a t e and repayment 255 Federal old-age and survivors insurance t r u s t fund, availability of funds from 254,255, 256 G r a n t s to States, appropriation for 13, 255 Maternal and child welfare, appropriation for 255 Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, Bureau of, appropriation for 13, 254 Public Assistance, Bureau of, a p p r o priation for 255 Withholding of funds from State agencies, restriction 257 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 214, 215 Soil Conservation Service. See under Agriculture, Department of. Soldiers' H o m e, U. S.: Appropriation for 200 Retired military personnel on d u t y, exemption from retired p a y limitation 338 South Carolina State Ports Authority, approval of conveyance of land by city of Charleston to 148 South Dakota, water compacts with Nebraska and Wyoming 365 Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for 261 Southwest Contra Costa County Water District System, funds available 266 Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for 261, 262, 277 Spain, Assistance to: Appropriation authorized 156 Appropriation for 478 Unexpended balances of mutual-security funds, availability authorized 156 Springfield Armory, M a s s., rescission of prior construction authorization 457 Standard s, National Bureau of. See National Bureau of Standards under Commerce, Department of. State, Department of: Appropriation Act 367