Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/238

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S u s p e n s ion of compliance.

60 Stat. 810. Reimbursement.


Short title.

PUBLIC LAW 154-JULY 27, 1953


States or on the Canal Zone; (3) that nothing in this Act shall prohibit the continued employment of any person who shall have rendered fifteen or more years of faithful and honorable service on the Canal Zone; (4) that in the selection of personnel for skilled, technical, administrative, clerical, supervisory, or executive positions, the controlling factors in filling these positions shall be efficiency, experience, training, and education; (5) that all citizens of Panama and the United States rendering skilled, technical, clerical, administrative, executive, or supervisory service on the Canal Zone under the terms of this Act (a) shall normally be employed not more than forty hours per week, (b) may receive as compensation equal rates of pay based upon rates paid for similar employment in continental United States plus 25 per centum; (6) this entire section shall apply only to persons employed in skilled, technical, clerical, administrative, executive, or supervisory positions on the Canal Zone directly or indirectly by any branch of the United States Government or by any corporation or company whose stock is owned wholly or in part by the United States Government: Provided further, That the President may suspend from time to time in whole or in part compliance with this section if he should deem such course to be in the public interest. SEC. 104. The Governor of the Canal Zone is authorized to employ services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), in an amount not exceeding $15,000: Provided, That the rates for individuals shall not exceed $100 per diem. SEC. 105. Amounts expended by the Panama Canal Company in maintaining defense facilities in standby condition for the Department of Defense, and amounts expended by the Canal Zone Government in providing school and hospital services for agencies of the United States other than the Panama Canal Company and the Canal Zone Government hereafter shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, be fully reimbursable to the Panama Canal Company or to the Canal Zone Government, as the case may be, by such other agencies. SEC. 106. No part of the funds of the Canal Zone Government or the Panama Canal Company shall be used after December 31, 1953, for providing free medical and hospital care to employees of the Panama Canal Company or the Canal Zone Government. SEC. 107. No part of the funds of the Panama Canal Company or the Canal Zone Government shall be available hereafter for payment of military personnel assigned to the Panama Canal Company or the Canal Zone Government in excess of their military pay: Provided, That this section shall not apply to those officers serving as Governor of the Canal Zone and President, Panama Canal Company and as Lieutenant Governor of the Canal Zone. SEC. 108. This Act may be cited as the "Civil Functions Appropriations Act, 1954". Approved July 27, 1953. Public Law 154

July 27, 1953 rS. 2342]



AN ACT Authorizing the State of California to collect tolls for the use of certain highway crossings across the Bay of San Francisco.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the olkfand^brid^^ United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of the ^46"stat 1193. ' ^^^ entitled "An Act granting the consent of Congress to the State of California to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the