Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/353

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PUBLIC LAW 177-AUG. 1, 1953

persons the budget estimates for personal services heretofore submitted to the Congress for the fiscal year 1954 contemplated would be employed by such department, agency, or corporation during such fiscal year in the performance of— (1) functions performed by a person designated as an information specialist, information and editorial specialist, publications and information coordinator, press relations officer or counsel, photographer, radio expert, television expert, motion picture expert, or publicity expert, or designated by any similar title, or (2) functions performed by persons who assist persons performing the functions described in (1) in drafting, preparing, editing, typing, duplicating, or disseminating public information publications or releases, radio or television scripts, magazine articles, photographs, motion pictures, and similar material, shall be available to pay the compensation of persons performing the functions described in (1) or (2). (b) This section shall not apply: To persons employed by the General Services Administration in the performance of functions or related assisting or supporting functions in connection with the publication of the Federal Register, or to persons engaged in functions of the Civil Service Commission related to (1) the preparation and issuance of materials relating to the recruitment of personnel for the Federal service, and (2) the compilation of the Official Register of the United States, or to any department, agency, or corporation which does not employ more than two persons at any one time in the performance of functions described in paragraphs (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of this section. SEC. 304. This Act may be cited as the "First Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1954". Approved July 31, 1953. Public Law 177

Short title.


AN ACT To further amend the Military Personnel Claims Act of 1945 by extending the time for filing certain claims thereunder, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1(d) of the Act of May 29, 1945 (59 Stat. 225), as amended by Public Law 439 of the Eighty-second Congress, is hereby further amended by deleting therefrom the first proviso of that subsection and substituting therefor the following: '•Provided, That, if a claim accrues in time of war or in time of armed conflict in which Armed Forces of the United States are engaged, or if war or such armed conflict intervenes within two years after it accrues, it may, on good cause shown, be presented within two years after such good cause ceases to exist, but not later than two years after peace is established or the armed conflict terminates. The dates of commencement and termination of an armed conflict for the purpose of this subsection shall be as established by concurrent resolution of the Congress or by determination of the President:". SEC. 2, Effective as of July 3, 1952, section 2(b) of the Emergency Powers Continuation Act (Public Law 450, Eighty-second Congress) is repealed. Approved August 1, 1953. 27000 O - 53 - 23

Nonapplic ab ility.

August 1, 1953 [H. R. 2561]

66 Stat. 3 2 2. 31 USC 2 2 2 c. P r e s e n t a t i o n of claim.

Repeal. 66 Stat. 334.