Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/379

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67 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 179-AUG. 1, 1953


f acture of military supplies, equipment and clothing; hire of passenger motor vehicles; transportation of things; industrial mobilization; rent; medals, awards, emblems and other insignia; care of the dead; and departmental salaries; $195,000,000. MARINE CORPS PROCUREMENT

For expenses necessary for the procurement, manufacture, and modification of armament, ammunition, military equipment and vehicles for the Marine Corps, including purchase of passenger motor vehicles; $151,127,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That the unexpended balances appropriated for the foregoing purposes under the head "Marine Corps Troops and Facilities" for the fiscal years 1951, 1952, and 1953 are hereby transferred to and merged with this appropriation. AIRCRAFT AND FACILITIES

For expenses necessary for maintenance, operation, and modification of aircraft; maintenance, operation, and lease of air stations and facilities, testing laboratories, fleet and other aviation activities; procurement of services, supplies, special clothing, tools, materials, and equipment, including rescue boats; research and development; industrial mobilization; aerological services, supplies, and equipment for the Navy and Marine Corps; and departmental salaries; $943,000,000. AIRCRAFT AND BELATED PROCUREMENT

For construction, procurement, and modernization of aircraft and equipment, including ordnance, spare parts, and accessories therefor; expansion of public and not to exceed $10,000,000 for expansion of private plants, including the land necessary therefor, without regard to section 3734, Revised Statutes, as amended, and such land, and ^° "^^ ^*^' ^^ interests therein, may be acquired and construction prosecuted thereon p>rior to approval of title by the Attorney General as required by section 355, Revised Statutes, as amended; procurement and in- no^|.^^^ '^^ *"*^ stallation of equipment in public or private plants; and departmental salaries necessary for the purposes of this appropriation, to remain available until expended, $1,379,000,000. S H I P S AND FACILITIES

For expenses necessary for design, maintenance, operation, and alteration of vessels; maintenance and operation of facilities; procurement of plant equipment, appliances, and machine tools, and installation thereof in puolic or private plants; procurement of equipment, supplies, special clothing and services, including subsistence and other exf)enses of civilian crews of vessels; installation, maintenance, and removal of ships' ordnance; lease of facilities and docks; charter and hire of vessels; relief of vessels in distress; maritime salvage services; research and development; industrial mobilization; and departmental salaries; $896,400,000. CONSTRUCTION or S H I P S

For an additional amount for "Construction of Ships", to remain available until expended, $56,700,000: Provided, That the total of obligations incurred under this head for construction, conversion, or replacement, approved after July 17, 1947, shall not exceed $1,194,261,000.