Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/631

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67 S T A T. ]



15, 1953

Station 35 to 36, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west on south one-sixteenth line to C-S one-sixteenth corner of said section 14. Station 36 to 37, bearing north, distance three-fourths mile, from C-S one-sixteenth corner, course bears north on centerline of section to one-fourth corner in boundary between sections 14 and 11, township 4 north, range 2 east. Wind River meridian. Station 37 to 38, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west on said boundary between sections 14 and 11 to the W onesixteenth corner thereof. Station 38 to 39, bearing north, distance one-half mile, course bears north on west one-sixteenth line of section 11 to C-W one-sixteenth corner thereof. Station 39 to 40, bearing west, distance one-half mile, from said C-W one-sixteenth corner, course bears west on the respective centerlines of sections 11 and 10 to C-E one-sixteenth corner of section 10. Station 40 to 41, bearing north, distance one and one-half miles, thence north on the respective east one-sixteenth lines of sections 10 and 3 to a point in the township line, which point is the corner between lots 1 and 2 of said section 3, township 4 north, range 2 east, Wind River meridian. Station 41 and 42, bearing east, distance twelve one-hundredths mile, the boundary of the Riverton project bears east on the township line from said lot corner to the standard E one-sixteenth corner in the southerly boundary of section 34, township 5 north, range 2 east. Wind River meridian. Note: Station 42 back; station 35 ahead. Station 35 to 36, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, from the before-described one-sixteenth corner, the boundary of the Riverton project bears north to the southeast one-sixteenth corner of section 34, of said township and range. Station 36 to 37, bearing east, distance three-fourths mile, thence, east on the respective south one-sixteenth lines of sections 34 and 35 to the south one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of said section 35. Station 37 to 38, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, from the above-described south one-sixteenth corner the course bears north on centerline of said section 35 to the center one-quarter corner thereof. Station 38 to 39, bearing east, distance three-fourths mile, thence east on the respective centerlines of sections 35 and 36 to the west one-sixteenth corner of said section 36. Station 39 to 40, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, from the above-described west one-sixteenth corner, the course bears south to the southwest one-sixteenth corner of said section 36. Station 40 to 41, bearing east, distance three-fourths mile, from said southwest one-sixteenth corner, the course bears east on the south onesixteenth line to the south one-sixteenth corner between sections 36 and 31 and in the township line between ranges 2 and 3 east of the Wind River meridian. Station 41 to 42, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, from the before-described south one-sixteenth corner in the township line, the boundary of the Riverton project bears south to the southeast corner of section 36, township 5 north, range 2 east, Wind River meridian. Station 42 to 43, bearing east, distance thirty-seven one-hundredths mile, thence east on the township line to the north one-fourth corner of section 6, township 4 north, range 3 east, a closing corner in the survey of that township. Station 43 to 44, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, departing from said township line, the bearing of course is south on centerline of section 6 to the north one-sixteenth corner of said section.